
it is a shame, that file_line is not able to delete line on the basis of a 
Currently I use this to delete a line 
  exec { "/usr/bin/perl -ni -e '/${line}/ or print' '${file}'":
    onlyif => "${grep} -qF '${line}' '${file}'"

Best regards

Am Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015 15:52:22 UTC+1 schrieb jcbollinger:
> On Thursday, February 26, 2015 at 2:39:51 AM UTC-6, Andreas Dvorak wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just tried the stdlib version 4.5.1.
>> According to the change log with version 4.5.0 
>> "Don't require line to match the match parameter"
>> But my test does not work
>>   file_line {'test':
>>     ensure => 'absent',
>>     path   => '/root/.ssh/authorized_keys',
>>     match  => 'test',
>>   }
>> Error: Failed to apply catalog: Validation of File_line[test] failed: 
>> Both line and path are required attributes at 
>> /data/git/test/modules/accounts/manifests/del_key_in_root.pp:204
>> Wrapped exception:
>> Both line and path are required attributes
> You could solve that issue by providing a 'line' property with a dummy 
> value, as in some of your previous attempts.  Alas, although that should 
> prevent the exception, it will not get you to where you want to be.  
> File_line doesn't do that.
> The key thing to understand here is that File_line represents a *specific* 
> line in a file.  The 'match' parameter is *not* about recognizing that 
> line, it is about how to introduce it into the file if that is necessary.  
> When you ensure a File_line 'absent', you are saying that the file 
> identified by it's 'path' should not contain any line that is an exact, 
> character-for-character match to the 'line' parameter (because *that* is 
> what the resource represents).
> For SSH authorized keys in particular, you should look into the built-in 
> Ssh_authorized_key resource type.  More generally, if there is not 
> already a module or built-in resource type specific to the file you're 
> trying to manage, and you don't want to create one, then the more-or-less 
> universal fallback is an Exec resource.
> John

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