I need a push in the right direction.  I have a need to have a subset of
hosts in my environment "register" themselves to receive rsync updates from
a central host.  I realize that the right approach is exported resources
but I'm getting stuck on the actual implementation.

Here is what I tried:

in one module

define registerhost() {
         include parms
         concat::fragment("$fqdn fragment":
               content => "${fqdn}",

and elsewhere

@@registerhost {"${fqdn}": }

and then to marshal the resources

concat { "${parms::filename}":
      ensure => present,
       backup=> true,
       owner => root, group=> root, mode => 0644

  Registerhost <<||>>

What I'm seeing is
/usr/local/etc/remote-masters.txt]/returns: The fragments directory is
empty, cowardly refusing to make empty config files

I watched the puppetdb log and it would seem something is being written to
puppetdb and puppetdb is the backend for storeconfigs.

so... suggestions?

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