Thanks for your time in explaining,  what i understand is "roles and 
profiles" is different from Hiera and ENC which is used for providing data 
only. Let me search for example where Hiera is used and roles and profiles 
are defined to make difference in data as per the defined profile.

Thanks again, this helps.

On Wednesday, 1 April 2015 19:26:19 UTC+5:45, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 31, 2015 at 10:31:14 AM UTC-5, Dhaval wrote:
>> Thanks, I have seen some of those, if someone can brief me when to use 
>> what appreciate that ..
> Hiera is a framework for maintaing machine- and site-specific data outside 
> your Puppet manifests, and for serving it to the catalog builder at need.  
> It is the mechanism underlying Puppet's "automatic data binding" feature 
> for choosing values for class parameters, but it can also be used directly 
> in your manifests via various Puppet functions.
> "ENV" is not meaningful as a Puppet concept, but perhaps you  meant 
> "external node classifier" (ENC).  An ENC is, yes, a mechanism for 
> assigning classes (and data) to nodes.  Use of an ENC is optional.  It can 
> work instead of a site manifest, but more usually is used alongside a site 
> manifest.  Almost everything you can do via an ENC, you can do via Hiera, 
> too.  If you are not using one of the products that provides a Puppet ENC 
> (The Foreman or Puppet Enterprise, for example), then I would forget about 
> ENCs for the moment and focus on Hiera.
> "Roles and Profiles" is a popular pattern for your site configuration.  In 
> that pattern, "roles" correspond to high-level operational roles that a 
> machine may have, such as "Web Server" or "Development Workstation", 
> whereas profiles model the low-level details of how to manage a particular 
> subsystem or role for a particular type of machine.  Roles and Profiles are 
> both modeled as Puppet classes, with role classes doing nothing but 
> including the appropriate profile classes.  Nodes are then classified with 
> one (or perhaps more) role classes.  None of this is directly related to 
> HIera or ENCs, but they can work together.
> John

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