Here's a simple example that works for me :-

First you obviously have the ripienaar/module_data module installed and 
available to your puppet apply (I'm using masterless puppet).

My folder structure :-

- puppet
|---- modules
|------- sonarqube
|---------- data
|------------- hiera.yaml
|------------- common.yaml
|------------- osfamily
|---------------- windows.yaml
|---------------- ubuntu.yaml
|------------- version
|---------------- 4.5.yaml
|---------------- 5.0.yaml


- "osfamily/%{::osfamily}"
- "version/%{sonarqube::sonarqube_majmin_version}"
- common

- yaml

  :datadir: puppet://sonarqube/data

common.yaml :-

sonarqube::sonar_runner_version: '2.4'
sonarqube::sonarqube_server_hostname: 'localhost'
sonarqube::sonarqube_server_port: '9000'
sonarqube::sonarqube_database_type: 'mysql'

4.5.yaml :-

sonarqube::sonarqube_full_version: '4.5.2'

windows.yaml :-

sonarqube::sonarqube_package_location: 'C:/puppet-installs/sonarqube'
sonarqube::sonarqube_apps_install_basefolder: 'C:/Apps'

Then in  ...\puppet\modules\profiles\manifests\sonarqube.pp   (I'm 
following the roles and profiles pattern) :-

  class {'::sonarqube':
    #sonarqube_install_path       => $sonarqube_install_path,
    #sonarqube_package_location   => $sonarqube_package_location,
    #sonarqube_installer_zip      => $sonarqube_installer_zip,
    sonarqube_majmin_version     => $sonarqube_majmin_version,
    #sonar_runner_version         => $sonar_runner_version,
    #sonarqube_proxy_host        => $sonarqube_proxy_host,
    #sonarqube_proxy_port        => $sonarqube_proxy_port

Now, how you set the values you passed to the parameterised class 
(::sonarqube) is up to you (note: do hiera lookups only in your PROFILE 
class). First you could set all/some of them explicitly either by simply 
assigning a literal or doing a hiera call (obviously the first option here 
takes hiera completely out of the equation since it has the highest 
precedence when resolving the class params) :-

$sonarqube_server_port = '9000'

or (given the above common.yaml) :-

$sonarqube_majmin_version = hiera('sonarqube::sonarqube_server_port')

You might take the view that you are only going to pass explicit values for 
those that you want to over-ride (i.e. all others will be resolved by 
automatic parameter lookup). Keep in mind that, resolution order in the 
target class is :-

1. Explict param value passed.
2. Automatic param lookup (Hiera ... which goes to SITE level hiera FIRST 
and then to MODULE level)
3. Default param value (I would recommend NOT doing that in most cases - 
better to catch config errors rather than the potential of a difficult to 
find false positive)
4. Error

Not sure where your lookup is falling down, perhaps its resolution order 
(2) above ???



On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 07:53:36 UTC, wrote:
> I've been trying to use the module_data module, but cannot get it to 
> bring in values. Is there a worked example somewhere, including site.pp 
> and hiera.yaml? 
> hasn't helped - I 
> get the class defaults from init.pp, not the data from the yaml files. 
> Cheers, 
> Greg. 

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