Hi Michael,

To be honnest, I’m looking at how I/we can move to a multi-master setup, but 
that means both multi-master, but also moving to something like R10K (I chose 
the monolithic deployment 2 or 3 years ago…), but also making sure the puppet 
fileserver is shared, and that’s something that I fear will take me time. Plus 
: I don’t have many exported resources, just SSH (public) keys and a few 
OMD/Nagios checks – I can’t believe this is normal that just deploying the SSH 
(exported) keys hammers so much on the puppet master(s)…
As I say, I do not feel I’m not doing huge puppetdb things ?


De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de Michael Pawlak
Envoyé : mercredi 6 mai 2015 18:56
À : puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : Re: [Puppet Users] puppet exported resources dramatic performance

Based on the size of your farm, you may want to start thinking about either 
load balancing your puppet master (nginx, ha proxy, SRV records, etc.) or 
possibly decentralizing your puppet deployments (masterless). Remember that all 
manifest compilations take place on the puppet master and not the clients. This 
means all collected resources, for all 350+ hosts must funnel through your 
puppet master, which then has to update the storedconfigs in puppetdb. This can 
be a significant amount of load for the puppet master, considering the size of 
your deployment.
So, if performance is a concern/issue with you, look into other methods of 
spreading the work load or decentralizing to get the performance you desire.

Michael Pawlak
Web Systems Administrator | Colovore LLC
E: m...@colovore.com<mailto:m...@colovore.com>
C: 408.316.2154

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 8:00 AM, SCHAER Frederic 
<frederic.sch...@cea.fr<mailto:frederic.sch...@cea.fr>> wrote:
Hi Puppet users,

I know this has been discussed several times, but I did not find the 
information/fix I’m looking for, so here I go…
I have a farm of ~370 servers.
I have a single puppet master (12 physical cores, lots of RAM) on which I 
deployed puppet 3.7.5 this week (not using r10k, that’s on our huge todo list).
I am running on Scientific Linux 6.2 (RHEL like) + Passenger + Foreman as ENC.
More than puppet 3.7.5, I deployed the saz/ssh (2.5.0) module (required by the 
openstack modules), which in turns by default enables puppet exported resources 
collection for the ssh keys.

Since I was using a local hack with the generate function to achieve the same 
goal, I let the ssh keys collection in place… and it worked OK until I deployed 
that in production .
I then faced huge Passenger overloads, and nearly all puppet runs failed until 
I raised the PassengerMaxPoolSize to 200 instead of 12 (yes…).

I have found out that enabling/disabling the SSH keys collection on  a specific 
host causes the compilation time to jump from 17s to 53s or even more.

I have tried querying the puppetdb for those specific Sshkey resources using 
curl and to my surprise, this was quite quick.
I am currently profiling the puppet master and will send that data to 
puppetlabs if that’s still usefull to them (see : 
https://puppetlabs.com/blog/tune-puppet-performance-profiler), but I would like 
to know if someone would understand what’s wrong with that use of exported 
resources ?

I’m not putting tons of things in there, so I can’t understand how this can 
have such a huge impact on my “relatively” sized cluster..
Any known workaround other than adding more puppet masters ? (I know it might 
be possible to query the puppetdb directly from a template, but I do not own 
the saz/ssh module, so that would be some work to create a pull request just to 
work around… well, a “basic” feature)
My last resort would be to disable the use of exported resources for the ssh 
keys and revert to my hack, but I can’t do that for my monitoring anyway, and 
that would surely also benefit from a fix…

I don’t know if I could use the puppet server (not master) easily with foreman, 
maybe that’d be something to try too…

Thanks for any hint && Regards !
Frederic  Schaer
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