On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 6:19 AM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org>

> On Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 12:32:59 AM UTC-5, Josh Cooper wrote:
>> On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 7:29 AM, Johnson Earls <darkfo...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> never mind.  puppet agent ignores the user/group config settings, so
>>> those should be kept at puppet, and ${::settings::user} /
>>> ${::settings::group} should not be  used to configure agent-related options
>>> (such as file ownership).
>> The `puppet` user and group are really server-side settings, to specify a
>> less privileged account to run the webrick/passenger/puppetserver process
>> as.
> Right.
>> To confuse things, `puppet` packages (rpm/deb) have always created the
>> `puppet` user and group, but was unnecessary on the agent. In Puppet 4, we
>> have fixed this, so the puppet-agent package does not create a `puppet`
>> user or group. Only the puppetserver package does that.
> So the new package naming confuses even PL itself?
> I mean, in our recent discussion of the new package naming and versioning
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/puppet-users/K7-tUQoJ9FA>, Eric
> and Michael asserted that the "puppet-agent" package is the basic Puppet
> infrastructure package, with which one can run the agent, the traditional
> rack-based master, and everything else from Puppet's Ruby stack.  They
> claim the "puppetserver" package is *optional*.  I completely believe
> that's the *intention*, but in that case the "puppet-agent" package
> should be the one responsible for the "puppet" user and group.

We will be releasing updated passenger packages compatible with
puppet-agent "soon"[1]. These packages also create the `puppet` user and
group, like puppetserver.

That leaves webrick. I agree, there is currently an inconsistency --
webrick functionality is provided by the puppet-agent package, but the
package does not create the `puppet` user and group. However, you are free
to create the accounts (using `puppet apply` even!), or specify an
alternate account using Puppet's `user` and `group` settings.

That said, webrick is deprecated and will be removed in Puppet 5[2].


[1] https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-4452
[2] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/puppet-dev/RHa2tMPRTx4/discussion

Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet Labs

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