Yeah, I'm getting the same error as you Joe. I'm also using the Apache 
module on a Centos7 machine. 
Puppet version 3.7.4. I did however try initially with 3.8.1, but thought 
that this may have been a version issue, and therefore downgraded.

On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 2:55:01 PM UTC+1, Joe Koenig wrote:
> I've got a puppet agent (3.8) on CentOS 7 that I'm trying to configure 
> using the puppetlabs-apache module. I'm getting the following on the first 
> run:
> *Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[ 
> <>]/Apache::Vhost[ 
> <>]/Concat[]/Exec[]:
> Could not evaluate: Could not find command 
> '/var/lib/puppet/concat/bin/concatfragments.rb'*
> Here's what my site.pp looks like:
> node /^web-agent-(.*)\.bds-puppet\.com$/ {
>         class { 'yum':
>                 extrarepo => ['epel', 'puppetlabs', 'remi_php55', 'remi']
>         }
>         file { ["/data", "/data/web", "/data/web/vhosts", 
> "/data/web/vhosts/"]: ensure => "directory" }
>         file { ["/data/logs", "/data/logs/apache"]: ensure => "directory" }
>         class { 'apache':
>                 package_ensure => '2.4.6-31.el7.centos',
>                 server_signature => 'Off',
>                 default_vhost => false,
>                 default_mods => false,
>                 mpm_module => false
>         }
>         class { 'apache::mod::prefork':
>                 startservers => '8',
>                 minspareservers => '3',
>                 maxspareservers => '5',
>                 serverlimit => '1024',
>                 maxclients => '1024',
>                 maxrequestsperchild => '4000'
>         }
>         apache::vhost { '':
>                 port => '80',
>                 serveraliases => ['','*'],
>                 docroot => '/data/web/vhosts/',
>                 access_log_file => 'example.com_access_log',
>                 error_log_file => 'example.com_error_log',
>                 logroot => '/data/logs/apache',
>                 override => 'All',
>                 directoryindex => 'index.php index.html',
>                 add_default_charset => 'UTF-8',
>                 options => ['-Indexes']
>         }
>         class { 'apache::mod::cache': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::deflate': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::dir': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::mime': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::mime_magic': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::proxy': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::rewrite': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::ssl': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::status': }
>         class { 'apache::mod::vhost_alias': }
>         class { '::apache::mod::php':
>                 package_name => "php-5.5.25-1.el7.remi",
>         } 
>         package { 
> ["php-mcrypt","php-mysqlnd","php-gd","php-ldap","php-soap","php-mbstring","php-opcache","libcurl-devel"]:
>                 ensure => "installed",
>                 require => Class['apache']
>         }
>         package { "openldap-devel": ensure => "installed" }
>         package { ["openssl","openssl-devel"]: ensure => "latest" }
>         package { "wkhtmltopdf": ensure => "0.12.1-1.el7" }
> }
> Any pointers on what may be causing this would be greatly appreciated. 
> Thanks!
> Joe

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