On Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 5:39:40 PM UTC-5, robert.davidson wrote:
> First of all: I'm running puppet 3.6.2, as we are not in a position to 
> move to Puppet 4 yet/ 
> When I try to apply an array of tags to an exported resource, as I should 
> be able to according to docs (
> https://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3.6/reference/lang_tags.html#the-tag-metaparameter),
> the tags simply do not apply, and thus collectors fail to function 
> correctly. If I apply only a single tag, it works fine. 
> This works: 
> @@module::hostentry{ $::fqdn: 
>    tag => 'host.example.com', 
> }                                                                         
> Module::Hostentry <<| tag != 'host.example.com' |>> 
> This does not - fails with duplicate resource errors, because we already 
> have a host entry for the machine defined elsewhere: 
> @@module::hostentry{ $::fqdn: 
>    tag => ['host.example.com'], 
> }                                                                         
> Module::Hostentry <<| tag != 'host.example.com' |>> 
> My actual code is trying to use more than one tag, and looks more like 
> this, which again, works if I cut it down to a single tag on the resource: 
> @@module::hostentry{ $::fqdn: 
>    tag => [$::fqdn, $::site], 
> }                                                                         
> Module::Hostentry <<| tag ==$::site and tag != $::fqdn|>> 
> I must be doing  *something* wrong here, since I haven't been able to turn 
> up anyone else complaining about this, and something that is so contrary to 
> what the documentation says would surely have hit someone else before now! 

Per the docs 
there is a bit of asymmetry between the '==' and '!=' operators in search 

   - For ==, "this operator will *match* if the value of the attribute (or 
   one of the value’s members, if the value is an array) is identical to the 
   search key."
   - For !=, "This operator will always match if the attribute’s value is 
   an array."

Both behaviors make sense (in particular, a scalar value certainly isn't 
equal to any array), but they are not proper opposites of each other with 
respect to arrays, as one might reasonably expect them to be.


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