Hi all,

Giving the following code:


And the following file tree:

# mkdir -p /tmp/foobar/bar
# touch /tmp/foobar/{,foo,barfoo,bar/foo}

When I run the following command:

# puppet apply -e "acl {'/tmp/foobar': permission => 'u:puppet:rwx', 
recursemode => 'deep', recursive => true}"

I get the following output:

Notice: Compiled catalog for foo.example.com in environment production in 0.53 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Acl[/tmp/foobar]/permission: permission changed 
'group::r-x,other::r-x,user::rwx' to 'user:puppet:rwx'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Acl[/tmp/foobar/bar]/permission: permission changed 
'group::r-x,other::r-x,user::rwx' to 'user:puppet:rwx'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Acl[/tmp/foobar/barfoo]/permission: permission 
changed 'group::r--,other::r--,user::rw-' to 'user:puppet:rwx'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Acl[/tmp/foobar/foo]/permission: permission changed 
'group::r--,other::r--,user::rw-' to 'user:puppet:rwx'
Warning: /Acl[/tmp/foobar/bar]: Cannot schedule without a schedule-containing 
Warning: /Acl[/tmp/foobar/barfoo]: Cannot schedule without a 
schedule-containing catalog
Warning: /Acl[/tmp/foobar/foo]: Cannot schedule without a schedule-containing 
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.25 seconds

It does the same with:

"def generate" instead of "def eval_generate" (L222)

"Puppet::Type.type(:acl)" instead of "self.class.new" (L219)

The warnings also appear when the ressource is already applied.

My questions:

1. Why do I get those "Cannot schedule without a schedule-containing catalog" ?

2. Are the "generate" and "eval_generate" functions "public"? Are they
recommended to be used in custom types? If not, how can I achieve the same 

 (o-    Julien Pivotto
 //\    Open-Source Consultant
 V_/_   Inuits - https://www.inuits.eu

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