I haven't set up puppetdb with the puppetlabs-puppetdb forge module in over 18 
months, but depending on your module version you may need to tweak parameters. 

"The PuppetDB module now supports PuppetDB 3.0.0 by default... If you want to 
use 5.x of the module with PuppetDB 2.x, you'll need to use the new 
puppetdb::globals class to set the version of PuppetDB you're using explicitly."


(Scroll down.)

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 01:01:04PM -0700, Stack Kororā wrote:
>    Greetings,
>    I am really stuggling here and would love another set of eyes. After a
>    failed attempt to migrate to Puppet 4 (my crappy modules need more work
>    then I have time for), I went back to Puppet 3. Only this time, I have the
>    chance to improve upon where things went wonky last time.
>    The plan I want:
>    Puppetmaster01 runs Apache Passengermod as the puppetmaster.
>    Puppetmaster02 runs puppetdb and postgreSQL.
>    That shouldn't be hard right? Except I can _not_ get puppetdb to work. I
>    have gone through countless guides and documentation and it just flat out
>    fails.
>    Fine. I give up doing it on my own. I will use puppetlabs puppetdb module.
>    After many hours of the same failures as before, I decided to simplify
>    things.
>    Everything on puppetmaster01 with no apache, puppetmaster, no postgreSQL,
>    and puppetdb.
>    Fresh install!
>    I configure EL6 to pull RPM packages from puppetlabs.
>     $ yum install puppet-server
>     $ cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
>     [main]
>        logdir = /var/log/puppet
>        rundir = /var/run/puppet
>        ssldir = $vardir/ssl
>        server = puppetmaster01.domain.org
>    [agent]
>        classfile = $vardir/classes.txt
>        localconfig = $vardir/localconfig
>    $ cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
>    node 'puppetmaster01.domain.org' { }
>    $ puppet agent -t
>    Horray! It works! Now to configure puppetdb!
>    $ puppet module install puppetlabs-puppetdb
>    Notice: Preparing to install into /etc/puppet/modules ...
>    Notice: Downloading from https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com ...
>    Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ...
>    /etc/puppet/modules
>    └─┬ puppetlabs-puppetdb (v5.0.0)
>      ├── puppetlabs-firewall (v1.7.0)
>      ├── puppetlabs-inifile (v1.4.1)
>      ├─┬ puppetlabs-postgresql (v4.5.0)
>      │ ├── puppetlabs-apt (v2.1.1)
>      │ └── puppetlabs-concat (v1.2.4)
>      └── puppetlabs-stdlib (v4.7.0)
>    Now to configure the host! The documentation says:
>    "
>    node puppetmaster {
>      # Configure puppetdb and its underlying database
>      class { 'puppetdb': }
>      # Configure the puppet master to use puppetdb
>      class { 'puppetdb::master::config': }
>    }
>    You can provide some parameters for these classes if you’d like more
>    control, but that is literally all that it will take to get you up and
>    running with the default configuration."
>    That is obviously false to anyone that attempts it. Full of errors.
>    Here is my site.pp
>    $ cat /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
>    node 'puppetmaster01.domain.org' {
>      class { 'puppetdb':
>        # Force embedded for simplicity.
>        database => 'embedded',
>        # Puppetlabs RPMs install to different location then the puppetdb
>    module wants them in.
>        confdir=>'/etc/puppetdb/conf.d',
>      }
>      class { 'puppetdb::master::config':
>        # Once again, puppetlabs names their package one way but their module
>    looks for something different.
>        terminus_package=>'puppetdb-terminus',
>      }
>    }
>    Now to run again. Snipping out the
>    $ puppet agent -t
>    Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
>    Info: Retrieving plugin
>    Info: Loading facts
>    Info: Caching catalog for puppetmaster01.domain.org
>    Info: Applying configuration version '1439233620'
>    [Snip: cutting the loading of the new facts]
>    Notice:
>    /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Config/Package[puppetdb-terminus]/ensure:
>    created
>    Notice: Unable to connect to puppetdb server
>    (https://puppetmaster01.domain.org:8081): [404] Not Found
>    Notice: Failed to connect to puppetdb; sleeping 2 seconds before retry
>    [Snip previous two comments another 55 times]
>    Notice: Failed to connect to puppetdb within timeout window of 120
>    seconds; giving up.
>    Error: Unable to connect to puppetdb server!
>    (puppetmaster01.domain.org:8081)
>    Error:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Config/Puppetdb_conn_validator[puppetdb_conn]/ensure:
>    change from absent to present failed: Unable to connect to puppetdb
>    server! (puppetmaster01.domain.org:8081)
>    Notice:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Storeconfigs/Ini_setting[puppet.conf/master/storeconfigs]:
>    Dependency Puppetdb_conn_validator[puppetdb_conn] has failures: true
>    Warning:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Storeconfigs/Ini_setting[puppet.conf/master/storeconfigs]:
>    Skipping because of failed dependencies
>    Notice:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Storeconfigs/Ini_setting[puppet.conf/master/storeconfigs_backend]:
>    Dependency Puppetdb_conn_validator[puppetdb_conn] has failures: true
>    Warning:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Storeconfigs/Ini_setting[puppet.conf/master/storeconfigs_backend]:
>    Skipping because of failed dependencies
>    Notice:
>    /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Routes/File[/etc/puppet/routes.yaml]:
>    Dependency Puppetdb_conn_validator[puppetdb_conn] has failures: true
>    Warning:
>    /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Routes/File[/etc/puppet/routes.yaml]:
>    Skipping because of failed dependencies
>    Notice:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Puppetdb_conf/Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls]:
>    Dependency Puppetdb_conn_validator[puppetdb_conn] has failures: true
>    Warning:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Puppetdb_conf/Ini_setting[puppetdbserver_urls]:
>    Skipping because of failed dependencies
>    Notice:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Puppetdb_conf/Ini_setting[soft_write_failure]:
>    Dependency Puppetdb_conn_validator[puppetdb_conn] has failures: true
>    Warning:
> /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Puppetdb_conf/Ini_setting[soft_write_failure]:
>    Skipping because of failed dependencies
>    Notice: /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Config/Service[puppetserver]:
>    Dependency Puppetdb_conn_validator[puppetdb_conn] has failures: true
>    Warning: /Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Master::Config/Service[puppetserver]:
>    Skipping because of failed dependencies
>    Notice: Finished catalog run in 124.99 seconds
>    Grrrrrr...
>    $ rpm -qa | grep -i puppet
>    puppetdb-2.3.6-1.el6.noarch
>    puppet-3.8.2-1.el6.noarch
>    puppetdb-terminus-2.3.6-1.el6.noarch
>    puppet-server-3.8.2-1.el6.noarch
>    I have even disabled the firewall and selinux. I can connect with telnet
>    to the host on 8081. Things are listening (I can see them with netstat),
>    but not connecting.
>    What gives? I would think that using the puppetlabs provided rpms with the
>    puppetlabs provided module following the puppetlabs documentation on a
>    single host that this would be straight forward. Where am I going wrong??
>    Please help. ;-)
>    Thanks!
>    --
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