
I'm new to puppet and are setting up an environment for our Macs.

I've been creating a module that are creating a local admin on each 
computer. The user get created but I keep getting this error:
"Could not prefetch user provider 'directoryservice': undefined method `[]' 
for nil:NilClass"

The code in the module:

class createlocaladmin{

  user {


      ensure     => present,

      comment    => 'Local Admin',

      home       => '/Users/ladmin',

      gid        => '20',

      iterations => '21881',

      password   => 

      salt       => 

      shell      => '/bin/bash',

      uid        => '404',

      notify     => Exec['Hide sub-500 users'],


  exec {

    'Hide sub-500 users':

      command => "/usr/bin/defaults write 
/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow Hide500Users -bool TRUE",

      refreshonly => true,



What am I missing here? :)

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