> Le 24 août 2015 à 21:59, Christopher Wood <christopher_w...@pobox.com> a 
> écrit :
> I am not seeing a large amount of blog entries complaining about this 
> upgrade, how has that gone for you? Is there anything you found particularly 
> painful? Would you have done anything different in retrospect?
> I'm staring down a 3.7.2 -> 4.2.1 upgrade and after reading a number of docs 
> the back-of-the-envelope optimal upgrade path is as follows. If any of you 
> have commentary I am quite interested, otherwise I will try it and see what 
> happens. I feel like this might be more time-consuming work but less 
> brainpower effort than just yanking everything to 4.2.
> 1) rpms up to puppet 3.8
> PostgreSQL 8.4 to 9.4
> PuppetDB 2.2.2 to 2.3.7
> (puppetdb-terminus from 2.2.2 to 2.3.7)
> Puppet 3.7.2 to 3.8.2
> 2) enable the future parser
> 3) replace puppet 3.8.2, passenger 5 with puppetserver 1.1.1
> 4) replace puppetserver 1.1.1 with puppetserver 2.1.1
> 5) upgrade PuppetDB from 2.3.7 to 3.0.2
> 6) use the puppetlabs-puppet_agent forge module to upgrade agents to 4.2.1

My biggest problem: there isn't any working dashboard working with Puppet 4. 
The puppetdb APIv4 in puppet db 3.1 is not the same as the APIv4 in puppetdb 2, 
so all of them are now broken, even the one that thought they uses the v4 API.

I had a lot of trouble with facter, it's rewritten but not tested on older 
release, a few things were broken on Redhat 5 :

If you use mcollective there is a bug that prevent installation of both 
mcollective and puppet on the same server on Redhat 6 :
and no one take care for this bug at puppetlabs.

All the path change /etc/puppet, /usr/bin to /etc/puppetlab, /opt/puppetlabs. 
Minor problems might arise from that, if you don't prepare that on puppet 
modules, other management scripts.

I hade no problem with embedded PKI, rsync -av /var/lib/puppet/ssl  
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ is enough to keep it.

Check your:
certname =...

in puppet.conf. Rules changes slightly and I had problem with that.

If you wrote you own modules, expect a lot of warning and broken modules becase 
of new variable typing.

Once the new server was up and running, I used this simple script on all the 
[ -x  /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet ] || (\
[ -x $(type -p facter) ] && \
rpm -e puppetlabs-release && \
rpm -Uvh  http://.../puppetlabs/$(facter 
operatingsystemmajrelease).noarch.rpm && \
yum install -y puppet-agent && \
rsync -av /var/lib/puppet/ssl  /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ && \
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -v --onetime --no-daemonize --no-show_diff 
--pluginsource puppet:///plugins --use_srv_records && \
service mcollective restart

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