On Monday, September 28, 2015 at 6:10:35 AM UTC-5, Michael Wörz wrote:
> Hello,
> we want to dump ENC Data to a file on the puppet clients so that it can be 
> used outside puppet scripts.
> file{'/etc/config-enc':
>   content => "$yaml"
> }
> does the Job but the output data is not formated an close to unreadable. 
> Json or Yaml woukd be nice.

It's unclear what "ENC Data" means to you.  An ENC is a *program* that *you 
provide*.  When run it emits data (classes, parameter values, and global 
variable values), but that data must be in YAML format already, so I 
suppose it's not what you're looking for.  Perhaps your particular ENC 
relies on an external data file, and it's that data you want to pass on to 
clients; in that case, we'll need some more information about the nature of 
that file before we can give you any detailed help.

Generally speaking, however, formatting raw external data within Puppet 
probably depends either on writing a custom function or on use of OS 
utilities or an external program via the built-in generate() function.


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