On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 10:08:34 AM UTC-6, tobias...@gmail.com 
> Hi,
> I got a file resource
>   file {'/usr/java/jboss-as/server/somesoftware/deploy/jontram-ds.xml':
>     ensure  => file,
>     owner   => 'root',
>     group   => 'root',
>     mode    => '0655',
>     content => template('somesoftware/jboss/jontram-ds.xml.erb'),
>     require => [ Class['somesoftware::cpfiles'], 
> somesoftware::mariadb::createdb [ $db_name ] ],
>   }
> The second last line is obviously to long (over 80 lines). It works in one 
> line but I get a puppet-lint error. I would like to cut it it two. My first 
> thought was to use the '\'
> like 
>     require => [ Class['somesoftware::cpfiles'],\
> somesoftware::mariadb::createdb [ $db_name ]
>   }

Have you tried omitting the '\'?  As far as I know, Puppet has no 
requirement that array literals be expressed all on one line, and newlines 
are permitted as part of the optional whitespace between elements.


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