Le 13/01/2016 à 13:21:51-0800, Hunter Haugen a écrit
> Does the application have an "include" syntax that would allow you do have one
> file that is one line that the application manages, and the file that puppet
> manages includes it where appropriate?

Well....I would like it....but no...

> Or a stupid workaround would be to have a fact that is that one line, and a
> puppet template that adds the line. So puppet would manage the whole file but
> the line would not be affected by a puppet run.

Humm....sorry I don't understand your workaround....


Albert SHIH
DIO bâtiment 15
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92195 Meudon Cedex
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Heure local/Local time:
jeu 14 jan 2016 17:46:08 CET

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