Hello all,

I've got a module that I've been working on in an attempt to make things a 
little smarter and I figured using a hash would be an elegant solution to 
my problem.  The short story is that I've got various video cards in our 
production environment and I'd like to have a module that determines what 
driver will be installed, depending on the make of the card. 

I've written some custom facts to help determine the class of the machine, 
what the video card id is and additionally, if the nvidia driver is 
currently installed.  These facts have been working fine for quite some 
time and I can check the values by running a facter -p, which results in 
something like:

nvidia_installed => false
video_card_id => 17c2
class => workstation

With that said, here's the module that I've written:

 class nvidia::driver_install (
  $model_hash = {
      009d => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_fx_4500_driver",
      06dc => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_6000_driver",
      06d9 => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_5000_driver",
      11ba => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_K5000_driver",
      17c2 => "$::nvidia::params::gtx_titanx_driver",
      17f0 =>  "$::nvidia::params::quadro_M6000_driver",
) inherits nvidia::params {

  if ($::is_virtual == true) and ($::class == 'server') {
    notify { 'This is a virtual machine and the nvidia driver doesn\'t get 
intalled' : 
    # only run nvidia installer if the machine is a workstation and the 
driver is not already installed
  } elsif ($::class == 'workstation') and ($::nvidia_installed == 'false') {
      if ($::video_card_id == $model_hash[key]) {
        notify { "Installing driver for ($model_hash[key])" : }
        exec { 'kdm-stop' :
          command => '/usr/bin/service kdm stop' ,
          unless  => '/usr/bin/service kdm status | grep -i "stop" ' ,
          before  => Exec['nvidia-driver-install'] ,
        # install nvidia driver
        exec { 'nvidia-driver-install' :
          command => "/usr/src/($model_hash[value]).run -s -X -N 
--force-tls=new --no-x-check --no-cc-version-check" ,
          require => File["/usr/src/($model_hash[value]).run"] ,
          notify  => Exec['reboot_after_nvidia'] ,
        # reboot after nvidia install
        exec { 'reboot_after_nvidia' :
          command     => "/sbin/reboot" ,
          refreshonly => true ,

In addition, I've got most of my parameters saved into the 
::nvidia::params.pp file of the module, which then points to hiera for its 

$quadro_fx_4500_driver   = hiera('nvidia::quadro_fx_4500_driver')
$quadro_6000_driver        = hiera('nvidia::quadro_6000_driver')
$quadro_5000_driver        = hiera('nvidia::quadro_5000_driver')
$quadro_K5000_driver     = hiera('nvidia::quadro_K5000_driver')
$quadro_M6000_driver     = hiera('nvidia::quadro_M6000_driver')
$gtx_titanx_driver            = hiera('nvidia::gtx_titanx_driver')

These values all resolve and if I use them by name (without the hash), 
things seem to work.

My first question is, does it appear that my logic is correct?  After 
reading the puppet docs about data types and hashes in particular, it 
appears to me that I've got the correct syntax.  With the above module in 
place, I can run a puppet job; but nothing ever gets applied to the host 
(no errors are ever reported and the jobs completes successfully).  This 
leads me to believe that I'm using the hash incorrectly and because of 
that, values aren't being determined and therefore this particular piece of 
the module doesn't get applied.  Might you have any thoughts on why this 
doesn't appear to work?

Also, as a bonus question, if I wanted to use this code in another module, 
is it as simple as "include ::nvidia::driver_install"?

Thank you in advance to everybody for your help and your assistance.  Your 
help is very much appreciated.



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