I have an epp template that looks as follows:
<%- |$testabc, $param1, $param2| -%>
Testvar1: <%= $::testclass::testvar1 %>
Testvar2: <%= $::testclass::testvar2 %>
Param1: <%= $::testclass::param1 %>
Param2: <%= $::testclass::param2 %>
Param1: <%= $param1 %>
Param2: <%= $param2 %>
TestABC: <%= $testabc %>

and a defined type that looks as follows:

define testclass::yoyo (
  String $param1 = 'hello',
  String $param2
  file { '/tmp/defined.type':
    ensure  => file,
    content => epp('testclass/data.epp',
        'param1' => $param1,
        'testabc' => 'abc',
        param2 => $param2
      } )

  file { '/tmp/defined.type.erb':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('testclass/data2.erb'),

  notify { [ $param1, $param2 ]: }

and init.pp:
class testclass {
  $testvar1 = 'one'
  $testvar2 = ['1', 'two']

I call this in the following way:
include testclass
testclass::yoyo { 'one':
  param1 => 'param1 value',
  param2 => 'param2 value',

I can easily reference the variables from the class and get their values in 
the EPP template however I can't do it for the defined type without passing 
variables as part of the epp function call and declaring the variables at 
the top of the epp template. Why is there a difference in how variables are 
accessed from a epp template, between a defined type and a class. Am I 
missing something or is it by design? I am using puppet 4.3.1


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