On Thu, 2016-01-28 at 06:40 -0800, Alex Harvey wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am interested in the future of the Librarian-puppet project - to
> find out how many people are still using it, and if there are people
> out there who actually prefer it over R10K.
There's another one to consider
it recently got an update to accept hook calls from gitlab. We get
our git pushes deployed in 0.4s now. 

> I recently looked into R10K for a few projects I was working on, and
> I found it to be surprisingly complicated.  It had many features I
> didn't seem to need, features that overlap with features provided by
> Jenkins/Bamboo, and appeared designed with a view to helping people
> deploy code in complex ways, help them to test short lived branches
> on Puppet masters, etc.  This might have made sense once, but if
> you're doing all your development in a test-driven fashion in
> Vagrant/Rspec-puppet/Beaker, I can't see a need for R10K's features,
> and concluded it was mainly just a lot harder to understand than
> Librarian-puppet.  I do see that it performs better, but again,
> Librarian-puppet has never been a bottleneck.
> Other views most appreciated.
> With best regards,
> Alex

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