Hi John, thank you for the explanation, these are very useful insights!

Ok, let me follow this through and see where i get it and update you all 

On Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 11:51:31 PM UTC+9, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 7:57:33 PM UTC-6, SG Madurai wrote:
>> Hi John, Thank you for the update.
>> Pardon me if i am asking about things that have been clarified/ settled 
>> already.
>> From what i understand, agent run times are primarily determined by
>> - catalog compilation time at master
>> - the time for agent to apply catalog on its node
> Both of those are contributors.  The former is rarely a major one.  There 
> is also time spent by the agent computing facts, which is usually even 
> less, but can be costly if costly custom facts are installed.
> Also, catalog application often is not an agent-only activity, as it 
> commonly involves the agent obtaining files from the master's file server.  
> This can be very expensive for both the agent and the master.
>> So was basically wondering if there is an option to separate these 2 
>> functions and manage these 2 independent of each other (at times convenient 
>> for each of these activities)
> Nodes have as much control as they want to exercise of when and how often 
> they perform catalog runs.  If they run the agent in daemon mode then they 
> can configure the run interval, but they also have the option of running it 
> at the times they choose via a scheduler, such as cron, or on-demand 
> either manually or via a remote-control system such as MCollective.
> The master does perform some caching to speed catalog building, but as I 
> already said, it is impractical for it to cache whole catalogs for direct 
> service to clients.  The problem here lies in determining accurately and 
> efficiently when cached catalogs are stale.
>> If these concerns shouldn't arise with running multiple puppet masters w/ 
>> puppet db (or by imply upgrading...we are on v3.8 btw), then will explore 
>> that option first.
> If your master(s) do not adequately serve the catalog request load, then 
> the quickest solution is often to empower them by running more puppetmatser 
> threads, adding CPU, adding RAM, increasing network bandwidth, and/or 
> shutting down other services.  "Shutting down other services" might include 
> moving PuppetDB to a separate machine.  Do also attend to the possibility 
> of uneven load: some kinds of site configurations lend themselves to highly 
> uneven load on the master, such that it sometimes gets transiently 
> overloaded even though it has sufficient capacity for its average load.
> If individual catalog compilations are taking a long time, then it is 
> probably worthwhile investigating why that is.  It may well be the case 
> that you can realize substantial improvements by modifying your manifest 
> set.  If the master is bogged down at the file server then you are probably 
> managing either large numbers of files or very large files, or both, in an 
> inefficient way; this is an area where it is relatively easy to shoot 
> yourself in the foot.
> If none of those alternatives yield the catalog service bandwidth you 
> need, then the next logical step is multiple masters.
>> I couldn't be sure if these configuration options (multiple puppet 
>> masters w/ puppet db) by itself can take care of the issues we are facing 
>> with agent runs  in our environment 
>> (timeouts, slowness..)
>> We have one puppet master (v3.8) managing 150-200 nodes in an environment.
> That's a fairly substantial load for a single master, but whether it's at 
> or beyond the capacity you should expect depends greatly on your manifests, 
> data, and nodes.
> In any event, you started off in the wrong direction by asking about agent 
> run times.  If agents' catalog requests are being serviced slowly, and 
> especially if they sometimes time out, then your problem is likely to be an 
> overtaxed master.  Long catalog-building times can contribute to that, but 
> so can the overall number of requests, uneven load, competing jobs, and 
> other factors.
>> BEFORE actually implementing this setup (multiple puppetmasters w/ puppet 
>> db) in our environment, i wanted to see if this is all there is to do - to 
>> fix these timeouts/ delays we see in our agent runs.
> As with any optimization problem, you are best off proceeding in a manner 
> that is informed by *data* about what parts of the process are slowest.  
> To that end, you could consider enabling the built-in profiler on the 
> master <https://puppetlabs.com/blog/tune-puppet-performance-profiler>.  
> You should also look at the overall load on the machine -- are you maxing 
> out your available CPU? your network bandwidth?  your physical RAM?
> Also, multiple masters and PuppetDB are separate considerations.  If you 
> are not using PuppetDB then you probably should be using it, especially if 
> you rely on external resources, regardless of whether you have multiple 
> masters.  Also, if you are still running the m,aster as a Rack application 
> -- for example, under Apache / Passenger -- then you should consider 
> running it under Puppet Server 
> <http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppetserver/1.1/> instead.
> John

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