I've come across an issue with facter 3, when using at_exit. Basically, any
at_exit blocks that refer to anything not in the top-level namespace
(pardon my terminology) trigger an 'uninitialized constant' NameError. I
think this is a namespace issue of some sort, but it's beyond my ken.

To recreate:
Create uninitialized.rb:
require 'facter'
at_exit { Facter.warn('Facter.warn at exit') }
at_exit { puts 'puts at exit' }
Facter.add('uninitialized_constant') do
  setcode do

Run facter:
facter -p uninitialized_constant facterversion
facterversion => 3.1.4
uninitialized_constant => foo
puts at exit
/private/var/puppet/lib/facter/unint.rb:3:in `block in <top (required)>':
uninitialized constant Facter (NameError)

Note that the 'puts' at_exit works, but not the one using Facter.warn.

This works fine in facter 2:
$ sudo facter -p uninitialized_constant facterversion
facterversion => 2.4.4
uninitialized_constant => foo
puts at exit
Facter.warn at exit

I've put all this up at

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