On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 1:11:56 PM UTC-5, Ari wrote:
> I'm looking to use puppet for OS X management.
> I have puppet server 4.4.1 running and one OS X device connected to it. 
> I'm trying to deploy simple manifest with module wfarr/osx_defaults.
> In site.pp I have following 
> osx_defaults { "require pass at screensaver":
>   ensure => present,
>   domain => 'com.apple.screensaver',
>   key    => 'askForPassword',
>   value  => 1,
>   user   => 'dummy'
> }
> But I'm keep getting this error in logs when client try to apply 
> configuration
> 2016-04-13 19:41:01,644 ERROR [qtp1078695369-67] [puppet-server] Puppet 
> Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Invalid 
> resource type osx_defaults
> 2016-04-13 19:41:01,644 ERROR [qtp1078695369-67] [puppet-server] Puppet 
> Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Invalid 
> resource type osx_defaults at 
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/osx/manifests/site.pp:1:1 on node 
> macbook.puppetland.org
> 2016-04-13 19:41:01,644 ERROR [qtp1078695369-67] [puppet-server] Puppet 
> Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Invalid 
> resource type osx_defaults
> I did install that osx_defaults module and can see that in modules for 
> that environment.

The error messages indicate that whatever you did to install the module was 
unsuccessful at installing it in the module path for the relevant 
environment on your Puppet master.  Things to note:

   1. The module needs to be installed on the master.  Installing it on 
   (other) nodes to be managed has no effect.
   2. Puppet allows for both system-wide and personal configuration, and 
   many of the tools choose between those based on the UID under which they 
   run.  It is therefore possible to, say, run 'puppet module' against your 
   personal puppet configuration when you meant to run it against the 
   system-wide configuration.
   3. It's usually a good idea to restart the master after making changes 
   to your modules.


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