
I'm working on automating of OS X vmware build using Puppet.

I use Packer to build the base image (based on excellent work done 
in https://github.com/timsutton/osx-vm-templates) and take the opportunity 
to pre-install Puppet, Homebrew and gems used by Puppet itself like hiera, 
hiera-eyaml, and augeas.

The trouble is that although 'augeas' gets installed by Homebrew just fine, 
the 'ruby-augeas' gem fails with an error "extconf.rb:27:in `<main>': 
augeas-devel not installed (RuntimeError)":

*# gem install --verbose --no-ri --no-rdoc ruby-augeas*
*HEAD https://rubygems.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz*
*302 Moved Temporarily*
*HEAD https://rubygems.global.ssl.fastly.net/latest_specs.4.8.gz*
*304 Not Modified*
*GET https://rubygems.org/quick/Marshal.4.8/ruby-augeas-0.5.0.gemspec.rz*
*302 Moved Temporarily*
*200 OK*
*Installing gem ruby-augeas-0.5.0*
*Downloading gem ruby-augeas-0.5.0.gem*
*GET https://rubygems.org/gems/ruby-augeas-0.5.0.gem*
*302 Moved Temporarily*
*GET https://rubygems.global.ssl.fastly.net/gems/ruby-augeas-0.5.0.gem*
*Fetching: ruby-augeas-0.5.0.gem (100%)*
*200 OK*
*Building native extensions.  This could take a while...*
**** extconf.rb failed ****
*Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary*
*libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more details.  You 
*need configuration options.*

*Provided configuration options:*
* --with-opt-dir*
* --without-opt-dir*
* --with-opt-include*
* --without-opt-include=${opt-dir}/include*
* --with-opt-lib*
* --without-opt-lib=${opt-dir}/lib*
* --with-make-prog*
* --without-make-prog*
* --srcdir=.*
* --curdir*
* --with-augeas-config*
* --without-augeas-config*
* --with-pkg-config*
* --without-pkg-config*
*extconf.rb:27:in `<main>': augeas-devel not installed (RuntimeError)*
*ERROR:  Error installing ruby-augeas:*
* ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.*

*    Building has failed. See above output for more information on the 

*Gem files will remain installed in 
/Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/ruby-augeas-0.5.0 for inspection.*
*Results logged to 

As much as I researched, I couldn't find any information about this error 
for OSX, only a few mentions about old Ubuntu (10.04) and RedHat. Does 
anyone know how to make it work?


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