Try command line.  Use the debug option
Dan White |
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the 
universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”  (Bill Waterson: Calvin & 

On Jun 03, 2016, at 03:03 PM, Leonard Smith <> wrote:

Clarificaiton. I had tried in the hiera.yaml setting

:merge_behavior: deeper
:merge_behavior: deep


:merge_behavior: native.

I unset it as well as from my understanding, from the documentation I am not 
concerned with deep merging. I just want to be able to specify two 
non-colliding 'vhosts' in two different YAML files and have both be created. 
The deep/deeper is only needed if the same key  exists and I want to merge the 
underlying key/values. 

On Friday, June 3, 2016 at 2:42:45 PM UTC-4, Leonard Smith wrote:
I've been trying to track down a problem with hiera_hash not merging.


## hiera.yaml
  - test
  - common

## test.yaml
  'test' :
    ensure: present

## common.yaml
  '/' :
    ensure: present

## rabbitmq_profile.pp

class rabbitmq_profile (

$vhosts = hiera_hash('rabbitmq_profile::vhosts',{})

) {

  notify { "<>$vhosts": }
  create_resources(rabbitmq_vhost, $vhosts )

## END

When I apply the manifest it creates the vhost specified in test.yaml but not 
the one in comon.yaml. I expected it to merge the has from both yamls and 
create the '/' and 'test' vhosts.

 If I remove test from hiera.yaml it creates the '/' vhost fine. I've tried 
setting the merge_behavior explicitly to native, deep and deeper, but I still 
see the behavior where it picks up the hash form the first yaml file it 
encounters and ignores the rest.

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