
I'm not an expert on puppet and I have some syntax problems

I would check if the package is installed and compare the version of the 
package with the version I would like to see installed

IF the package is installed with the correct version DO NOTHING

BUT if it is not installed or installed but not the correct version, 
uninstall it and download the right package with the right version and 

I started to do something that is not terrible and I would like your help 
to answer my problem

thank you very much in advance

here is the beginning of what I've done

if package { 'xyz' ensure=> '1.2'}
    do nothing

    else {
    exec => rpm -e xyp-packagebadversion

file { "/tmp/xyz-packagegoodversion":
       ensure => 'present',
       source => "puppet:///modules/package/xyz-packagegoodversion"
package { "xyz":
        ensure => '1.2',
        provider => 'rpm',
        source => "/tmp/xyz-packagegoodversion"

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