You should be including the role, not the profile in your manifests/site.pp

node {
 include role::mysshrole

On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 15:48:07 UTC+10, Alex Samad wrote:
> Hi
> I have a new install.
> I want to use the node <- role <<- profiles  setup.
> I want to define a profile for sshd for my environment.
> So I want to use a sshd module (I will check the forge) and have some 
> things preset.
> 1) I would like to turn off password acces for root account
> 2) turn off x11 
> 3) turn on forwarding
> 4) also for root I would like to install a public for my master root
> so I have my environment location
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production
> i have (from the control repo)
> site/profile/manifests
> and
> site/role/manifests
> do I create 
> site/profile/manifests/mysshd.pp
> class profile::mysshd {
>         package { 'sshd' :
>                 ensure => 'present',
>         }
>         ### options set ???
> }
> and then potentially a role in 
> site/role/manifests/mysshrole.pp
> class role::mysshrole {
>  include profile::mysshd
> }
> and then I go to 
> manifests/site.pp
> add in my node definition
> node {
>  include role:mysshd
> }
> Does that look about right ??

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