Good Folks,

Having an issue while executing puppet cert list a normal user it doesn't 
give me a list of outstanding pending certificates..

Please find below

    [jim@puppet ~]$ puppet cert list
    [jim@puppet ~]$ puppet cert list --all
    [jim@puppet ~]$ sudo puppet cert list --all
    [sudo] password for jim: 
    sudo: puppet: command not found
    [root@puppet ~]# puppet cert list
      "agent1.netgear" (SHA256) 15:8F:C1:34:5B:BD:0A:0D:F8:EA:79:84:EE:37:A0
      "agent2.netgear" (SHA256) 62:04:E8:8F:29:2B:2A:F4:DE:8B:CB:76:49:24:AF
      "agent3.netgear" (SHA256) C5:1C:19:F2:79:BC:3E:F0:A6:CB:1B:C0:B9:33:2A
    [root@puppet ~]# su - jim
    [jim@puppet ~]$ puppet cert list
    [jim@puppet ~]$  

When I do execute commands should I be root or jim ? or Should I be jim but 
execute commands with sudo ?? My suoders file has already allowed jim to 
execute any command so if I am not to execute puppet command it should be 
some settings within puppet itself.. Also what is the best practice to 
execute commands with root user user or normal user on agents and server.

Please guide me 


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