I have this wonderful module that calls various custom functions that I've
written that I'm trying to adopt RSpec testing for.  After seeing it crash
and burn with "function unknown" errors I took a rather meandering path and
arrived here: https://github.com/TomPoulton/rspec-puppet-unit-testing

So I attempted to follow the instructions given and I ended up with a
result like this:

------------- 8< snip!   file: spec/classes/init_spec.rb

require 'spec_helper'
describe 'ourbind' do

  let!(:ipdot2dash) { MockFunction.new('ipdot2dash') { |f|
  context 'with defaults for all parameters' do
    it do
      should compile
      should contain_class('ourbind')


------------------ 8< snip! 8<

I run "rake spec" and I get this (at least to me) undecipherable message:

--------------8< error spew

    Failure/Error: should compile

       unexpected invocation:
#<RSpecPuppetUtils::MockFunction:0x2b67950>.call(['', '21'])
       satisfied expectations:
       - allowed any number of times, not yet invoked:
       - allowed any number of times, not yet invoked:
       - allowed any number of times, not yet invoked:

-----------------8< snip! 8<

Apparently I'm missing something here, what's it trying to tell me and how
do I fix it?

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