No problem! Feeling lost is a little normal -- Puppet is a deceptively complex tool. You will probably go through MANY iterations of architecture, module layout, etc, as you ramp up your Puppet skills. When I first started with Puppet, I wrote a very clever ENC that did some internal-business-logic stuff. It worked great, and I was very proud of myself. Fast forward a few months, and I realized that I had basically reinvented Hiera, in a way that wasn't as good as Hiera, and all I had to do to use pure Hiera was write a custom fact and use it in my Hiera hierarchy.

The stuff I described is a little hard to understand if you haven't dealt with modules before, because it's very abstract. However, it seems like you're on the right track. Group everything to make an "ELK server" into a profile module -- including packages, configuration files, and network ports, then just include that into a role module that gets assigned to a node. If there is special "data" (say, database credentials), that should come from Hiera. You may find that you may need to (or it might just be easier to) split out your ELK module into its 3 components, then have the ELK module tie them all together.

However, I would caution you against completely rewriting everything from scratch -- there are a lot of really great modules on the Forge -- Elasticache, for example, has a really good module that is provided by the vendor. Don't reinvent the wheel. :) Just write enough 'glue' code to tie everything together to meet your business needs.

I would start by watching the video linked to by Rich in his reply to this thread. I haven't watched the whole thing, but what I've watched is a pretty awesome intro to a lot of best practices. There are a couple other good videos of the roles & profiles model floating around that may be worth your time to watch as well.

On 8/13/2016 9:53 AM, Robert Poulson wrote:
Hi Peter,

thank you for the valuable input!

I read your answer yesterday many times and asked myself: "yes, it's clear that I'm doing it wrong, but what is the Right Way™then?".

But many hours later, I might have one of those "aha moments" :)

I always wanted to write modules - or use them in a manner - which define the state of the node after the module gets assigned to it. The modules either contain the information themselves (like the mounts, apache modules etc.) or get these as a parameter; and they always got assigned directly to the node.

But it seems to me that in this "roles & profiles" model, one uses the modules more like if they were just various libs; they're not assigned to the nodes per se, but are just "called" (included) in the node classifiers with the parameters.

This way, I don't have to open the port 5601 for Kibana in my ELK module, but include the firewall class with port 5601 as a parameter within the ELK profile.

Or something similar. Or something different. But I think I got your point :)

The good news is, I have very much work ahead of me so I don't mind to start creating new modules, and re-doing the existing ones in this philosophy.

Thanks; and feel free to correct me if I'm still wrong :)


On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 11:30 PM, Peter Kristolaitis < <>> wrote:

    This is probably a case of trying to use Hiera for stuff you
    shouldn't be using it for.  It's important to keep in mind that
    Hiera is not really a replacement for manifest files -- or even
    better, modules that follow a role & profile architecture.  You
    can hack Hiera to do that, but you're going to rip your hair out
    debugging it, and there are better architectural ways of dealing
    with it anyways. create_resources() seems really cool when you
    first learn about it.  That fades quickly as you scale.  ;)

    To use your firewall example, "ports opened" depend on the profile
    of the system (e.g. what software is installed). All nodes that
    have Apache need port 80 and 443 opened, for example.  All SSH
    servers need port 22.

    In a "roles & profiles" model, every node probably gets a
    "baseline firewall" profile assigned to it.  This is where you
    would set up iptables policies, default-drop rules, etc.   If
    you're using the puppetlabs-firewall module, you'll probably tell
    it to purge all non-Puppet-managed firewall rules.

    Then in every profile class that requires an open network port,
you would have it add the appropriate firewall rule definition. The SSH profile class adds a firewall rule for port 22. The
    Apache class adds firewall rules for ports 80 and 443.

    This way, when Puppet is configuring your system, the logic is "I
    have Apache installed, so I need ports 80 and 443 opened", instead
    of "I'm node ABC and I have port 80 and 443 opened, but I might or
    might not have Apache installed", which is a situation you can
    easily get into if you're shoving as much as you can into Hiera.

    This approach seems like much more work at first, because breaking
    out all your logic into profile modules can be quite verbose and
    time-consuming.  Sometimes you will get a profile class that does
    nothing but install a single package (e.g. if you have multiple
    profiles that require a single Apache module).  That's OK.  It
    will be MUCH easier and less error-prone to manage over the long
    run, and you'll appreciate the architecture if you start using
    exported resources and other features of Puppet.

    On 2016-08-11 04:46 PM, Robert Poulson wrote:
    Hey List,

    during the last weeks I finally managed to spend some quality
    time :) with Puppet and I deepened my knowledge a bit: learned
    some ruby, wrote my first custom ruby facts, used hiera in my
    latest module... it's been fun.

    There is one concept with Hiera though which is still unclear for me.

    Let's say all of our servers have only port 22 open. But I assign
    my module to a node which installs and configures Apache, so it
    should add port 80 and 443 to the open ports list.

    Or I assign my other module to a node which uses SSO and has to
    enable the mod_auth_kerb Apache module. On my ELK nodes I'd like
    to use some more Apache modules as well.

    Or a Docker node needs to add some rules to the /etc/sudoers,
    another application some more rules...

    I could name a few more examples, but the point is: I can't
    always define something static in a hiera value, like open_ports:
    / apache_modules_enabled: / sudo_commands: etc. but need to
    dynamically manage these arrays when a module is assigned to a node.

    How should be this achieved?

    A _very_ primitive analogy is like
    where I don't have to take care of the actual content of $PATH,
    but can simply extend it. Something similar would be great in
    Hiera (or elsewhere) instead of using defines for every resource
    I have.

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