
I suspected this was going to be a problem and, sure enough, it is.  

Here's the scenario:  puppet server 4.5:  I have ~ 1200 hosts on which I 
want specific files in /root/bin on all hosts.  A reasonably large subset 
of those should have additional files in /root/bin as part of an home-grown 
application management process.  To be clear, none of the files from the 
'all-host' group overlap with any of the files from the 'some-hosts' group.

The all-host group is easy enough::

  file { '/root/bin':
    ensure  => 'directory',
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => 'root',
    mode    => '0700',
    recurse => true,
    source  => 'puppet:///modules/myroot/rootbin',
    require => File['/root'],

So, that's worked for weeks now.  In my company's slow migration to puppet 
management, I'm finally to the point of adding some custom application 
related files to /root/bin.  On the surface, the some-hosts group is pretty 
easy too::

    file { 'webconfbin':
      ensure  => 'directory',
      path    => '/root/bin',
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => 'root',
      mode    => '0700',
      recurse => true,
      source  => 'puppet:///modules/myroot/webconf',

As I suspected, that resulted in the bright red error message about 
'resource /root/bin already declared'.  The two options that I can think of 
aren't particularly appetizing:

1.  Add the files from some-hosts to all-hosts resulting in the app 
management files being everywhere.  These files, themselves, don't 
represent a security issue, but it's not a very clean approach.

2.  Use individual file resources.  I could get away with that approach on 
this one; but, when I run into a similar issue with dozens or 100s of 
files, I'd hate to be specifying all those file resources.

Realizing I probably took a wrong turn in my initial design and figuring 
someone else has to have had run into this problem before, I'm asking the 
experts.  What's the right way to have a set of files on all hosts and a 
different set of files on a subset of all hosts in the same directory?

Thanks for any hints/tips/suggestions.

Doug O'Leary

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