looks like it was the DNS on my Razor box, I changed the razor hostname in 
/var/lib/tftpboot/bootstrap.ipxe from hostname to an IP, 

|| goto error

now its loading the kernel

On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 9:21:04 PM UTC-4, mike r wrote:
> Running Razor provisioning
> PE Master: Ubuntu 14.04, puppet 4.5.2
> Razor on Centos 7
>         Razor Server version:
>         Razor Client version: 1.2.0
> Configured the dnsmasq DHCP and TFTP and stocked /var/lib/tftpboot with 
> the 2 files
> [root@razor tftpboot]# ls -la
> total 76
> drw-r-xr-x.  2 root root    56 Aug 20 20:51 .
> drwxr-xr-x. 25 root root  4096 Aug 20 19:15 ..
> -rw-r-xr-x   1 root root   913 Aug 20 20:47 *bootstrap.ipxe*
> -rw-r-xr-x   1 root root 68389 Aug 20 00:15 *undionly-20140116.kpxe*
> dnsmasq service is running
> All I want to do at this point is have a test VM boot up on network, get a 
> DHCP address and load the bootstrap.ipxe from my Razor server
> the first part happens ok, its getting the address from dnsmasq w correct 
> Range
> tailing my Messages log, you can see its assigning the IP and trying to 
> send bootstrap file to my test VM
> Aug 20 21:00:48 razor dnsmasq-dhcp[892]: DHCPDISCOVER(enp0s8) 
> 08:00:27:68:4b:45
> Aug 20 21:00:48 razor dnsmasq-dhcp[892]: DHCPOFFER(enp0s8) 
> 08:00:27:68:4b:45
> Aug 20 21:00:49 razor dnsmasq-dhcp[892]: DHCPDISCOVER(enp0s8) 
> 08:00:27:68:4b:45
> Aug 20 21:00:49 razor dnsmasq-dhcp[892]: DHCPOFFER(enp0s8) 
> 08:00:27:68:4b:45
> Aug 20 21:00:51 razor dnsmasq-dhcp[892]: DHCPREQUEST(enp0s8) 
> 08:00:27:68:4b:45
> Aug 20 21:00:51 razor dnsmasq-dhcp[892]: DHCPACK(enp0s8) 
> 08:00:27:68:4b:45
> Aug 20 21:00:51 razor dnsmasq-tftp[892]: sent 
> /var/lib/tftpboot/bootstrap.ipxe to
> For some reason its timing out.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-c6jH4INq060/V7j9asZj19I/AAAAAAAAlW4/GfYw4wbwbPg_3IpZu286aRnQY9xPmsaKACLcB/s1600/Selection_027.jpg>
> = Razor 
> = Test VM
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-o39gxau-gvA/V7j95yoRj7I/AAAAAAAAlW8/paDJ21V8NfYBf6RXiCLn6PBXuWsz_FEmQCLcB/s1600/Selection_029.jpg>
> Not sure where else to check for the timeouts. 

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