On Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 3:54:25 PM UTC-5, re-g...@wiu.edu wrote:
> On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 9:07:35 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:
>> On Friday, October 7, 2016 at 10:39:58 AM UTC-5, re-g...@wiu.edu wrote:
>>> Well... The node I have been testing the duplicate declaration on uses a 
>>> puppet secondary-master server, as it is on a remote network segment. It 
>>> does not connect directly to the puppet primary-master in which The Forman 
>>> is running on.
>>> So I did some work to get this particular "server1" node to use the 
>>> puppet primary-master that The Foreman is running on. When I run a puppet 
>>> update, it completes without error. When I switch back to the puppet 
>>> secondary-master, I get the duplicate class error.
>>> They are both running puppet 3.8.7-1 on CentOS 6.
>>> The YAML produced by both is exactly 100% the same. So I can assume the 
>>> YAML structure is not the issue.
>>> Would this suggest that the puppet secondary-master server is the issue, 
>>> or the client connecting to it is perhaps not always getting what it wants 
>>> from the slave?
>>> Remember that the puppet updates will complete correctly for many hours, 
>>> then magically change to this error. And vice-versa, be in error for many 
>>> hours, and then magically change to completing correctly. Also that 
>>> sometime changing configuration in The Forman can trigger the Error to 
>>> occur AND other times trigger to Error to stop occurring.
>>> Also note, I only have this problem with the saz-rsyslog module - NEVER 
>>> with any other puppet module.
>>> When I remove the saz-rsyslog module, all issues disappear.
>> I am not prepared to believe that identical implementations of Puppet's 
>> catalog builder running on substantially identical platforms with identical 
>> inputs behave differently.  Since you do see variations in behavior, 
>> therefore, I conclude that those differences can be attributed to 
>> differences in implementation, platform, or (most likely) inputs.
>>> I have made sure the puppet modules are 100% in sync between primary and 
>>> secondary master server.
>>> And I have restarted the puppet processes on the secondary-master 
>>> server, but the error will continue on the nodes.
>> Those are good steps.  To really troubleshoot this thoroughly, however, I 
>> think you'll need to be systematic: capture the ENC output for each catalog 
>> request for a given node (or for all nodes), with timestamps and associated 
>> success / failure of catalog compilation.  Compare the ENC output for 
>> successful catalog builds with that for failed builds and look for 
>> systematics.
>> Either at the same time or separately, you should look into whether 
>> Puppet's environment cache has an impact here.  Some of the behaviors you 
>> describe make me rather suspicious of this.  Supposing that you are using 
>> directory environments, you should experiment both with disabling caching 
>> altogether (set the environment_timeout configuration option to 0 (its 
>> default)) and with caching indefinitely (set environment_timeout to 
>> "unlimited").  Note that Puppet recommends against using any other setting 
>> for that option.  You could also try turning on the ignorecache option at 
>> the master.
>> John
> So I ran a `puppet agent -t` on one of the problem nodes against the 
> primary master puppet server (which was successful), and then afterwards 
> the secondary master puppet server (which produces the duplicate 
> declaration error for Class[Rsyslog]).
> The size of both catalog files are exactly the same (I am referring to 
> this file: 
> /var/lib/puppet/client_data/catalog/server1.mydomain.example.com.json ).
> The only difference inside the file is the order of items in the json 
> arrays.

A duplicate declaration error is a parse (i.e. catalog building) error.  If 
the master encounters one then it does not emit a catalog -- or if it did, 
it could not be one based on the failed catalog-building attempt.  I'm not 
sure what you're looking at, but it does not have the significance you are 
attributing to it.


> So the only difference I can see between the two puppet servers is the 
> order of the overall elements in the catalogs' json hashes and arrays.
> Could this be a cause of the duplicate declaration error?

No.  Any catalog you have is the result of a catalog-building run in which 
no such error was produced.

The appearance of duplicate declaration errors can be sensitive to the 
order of declarations in your manifests or ENC output, but a catalog does 
not directly inform about that.


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