I have two custom facts and I have put each file in the directory for a 
single module.  Both facts get loaded onto my clients.

The problem I am having is that each fact runs successfully when it is by 
itself, but when both run at the same time, the results aren't as expected.

To test, I rename one fact as *.rb.bak, and then I get proper results.  
Switch to the other fact, again, proper results.  Remove .bak so they both 
run, results are wrong.

Here are my .rb files.

All of my servers start with the letter a and have either an aX or aXXX 
which describes their physical location.  All of the servers end with 5 
characters that describe the network they are on.  The remaining characters 
describe what the server does.

All of my workstations start with a #.

What seems to happen, is that when both facts are running, none of my 
servers start with "a" so all of my servers show up as workstations.

It appears that 'location_code.slice! seems to run, so the prefix of my 
hostname is gone and the first letter appears to be the part of the 
hostname that describes the servers function.

To test, I changed "a" in my code to "f" and my file server had the proper 
server_role of file.

I don't understand why this happens as my variables are different between 
the two script

I appreciate any assistance.

require 'facter'

Facter.add(:location_code) do
  setcode do
    address = Facter.value(:ipaddress).tr('.', '')
    address = address.to_i
    location_code = Facter.value(:hostname)
      if address.between?(104127100, 104127255)

require 'facter'

Facter.add(:server_role) do
  setcode do
    ip_address = Facter.value(:ipaddress).tr('.', '')
    ip_address = ip_address.to_i
    server_role = Facter.value(:hostname)
    if server_role[0,1] != "a"
      server_role = 'workstation'
      if ip_address.between?(104127100, 104127255)
    server_role = server_role[0..-6]

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