On Fri, 12/30/16, Martin Alfke <tux...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Run command on one server when a file updates on 
 To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
 Date: Friday, December 30, 2016, 1:36 PM
 > On 20 Dec 2016, at 17:35, Larry Jacobson <larja...@gmail.com>
 > I want to update a service on a server (server B) when
 a file changes on a different server (serverA).  I am
 using stored configs with puppetdb.  
 > When I do something like the code below I get the
 following error message
 > Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid relationship:
 File[/etc/test.txt] { notify => Exec[command_on
 different_server] }, because Exec[command_on
 different_server] is exported but not collected
 > Am I on the right track?  I can't seem to figure
 it out how to do this.
 You are on the right track.
 Maybe the following will work:
 class server_a::configfile {
   file { ‘/etc/text.txt’:
     ensure => file,
 class server_a::command {
   @@exec { ‘run command’:
     tag => ‘command’,
 class server_a {
   contain server_a::configfile
   contain server_a::command
   Class[‘server_a::configfile’] ~>
 class server_b {
   Exec <<| tag == ‘command’ |>>
 The ~> notify/subscribe chaining on the class will
 propagate the notify/subscribe to the resources inside the
 > class serverA {
 >     file { "/etc/test.txt":
    mode => 644,
    source =>
    notify => Exec["command_on
 >      }
 >     @@exec {
 >          command =>
 >          tag =>
 >      }
 > }
 > =====================
 > class serverB {
 >          Exec <<| tag ==
 "tag_command" |>> {}
 > }
 > -- 
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inrautatit in toamna anului 1918 cand ustro-Ungaria  practic  se prabusise. Se 
vehicula teza anexarii de catre absburgi  ca o ultima solutie de salvare  a 
Bucovinei la Galitia  in timp ce craina ridica pretentii de stapanire asupra 
provinciei romanesti si ameninta cu terventia armata. Din initiativa lui Sextil 
Puscariu si lancu Flondor  s-a jnvoca't  in aceste conditii  la 14 27 octombrie 
1918  o Adunare a sprezentantilor populatiei romanesti din provincie. Aceasta a 
decis unirea ucovinei cu teritoriile locuite de romani  din Austro-Ungaria  
acum  practic rabusita. S-a ales un Comitet Executiv si un Consiliu National. 
Lider politic a ist ales lancu Flondor. Populatia romaneasca si-a manifestat 
astfel  libera de rice ingerinta  vointa de a se uni cu tara. Interventia 
trupelor ucrainene l-a eterminat insa pe Flondor sa ceara sprijinul armatei 

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