I take it you want to have one manifest that is agnostic to all 
environments and copy the right files? Your files have to be put into each 
environment respectively. When the manifest runs it will pull the file from 
that environment on the server.

   - A goes in 
   - B goes in 
   - C goes in 

Your code remains the same, just make sure you call the right environment 
on your node. If you need to install the file into different locations 
based on the environment then you probably want to use either an if or case 
statement or use Hiera:

case $environment {
  'A': {$install_path = '/env/A/install/path'}
  'B': {$install_path = '/env/B/install/path''}
  'C': {$install_path = '/env/C/install/path'}
  default: {}

file { $install_path:
  ensure => 'present',
  replace => 'no',
  source => 'puppet:///module/files/filename.sh',
  mode => '0755',
  notify => Exec['install'],

And in Hiera:

your_module::A::install_path: '/env/A/install/path'
your_module::B::install_path: '/env/B/install/path'
your_module::C::install_path: '/env/C/install/path'

file { 'environment-file'
  path => lookup("your_module::${environment}::install_path", String)

Hope that helps.

Joshua Schaeffer

On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 2:51:50 PM UTC-6, mike....@gmail.com wrote:
> I created a module to copy one file from the master and install to agents 
> and it works fine with code below: but now I am trying to copy 3 different 
> files in different directory and install each one on different environment. 
> For example: file A need to be installed on all agents in A environment 
> File B need to be installed on all agents in B environment File C need to 
> be installed on all agents in C environment
>   1 class profile::ma {
>   2
>   3 file { '/tmp/filename.sh':
>   4     ensure  => 'present',
>   5     replace => 'no',
>   6     source  => 'puppet:///module/files/filename.sh',
>   7     mode   => '0755',
>   8     notify  => Exec['install'],
>   9
>  10 }
>  11
>  12    exec { 'install':
>  13      command     => '/tmp/filename.sh -i',
>  14      onlyif      => '/usr/bin/test ! -e /etc/filetocheck',
>   15 }16}

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