Since a recent Puppet  update, my logs contain a lot of these warnings:

2017-08-21 14:03:20,146 WARN [qtp2051525912-14813] [puppetserver] Puppet 
> Attempt to override an already evaluated resource, defined at 
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/puppet/manifests/collections.pp:45,
> with new values at 
> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/puppet/manifests/collections.pp:40

The code leading to these warnings is this:

        if $::operatingsystem == 'Debian' {

>             $remove_packages = [






>             linux::package { $remove_packages: ensure => purged }

>             Linux::Package['puppet-agent'] {

                require => Linux::Package[$remove_packages],



>         linux::package { 'puppet-agent':

            ensure  => installed,



I found PUP-6290 <>, which 
seems related to this, but I am not sure the use case described in that 
ticket is the same. Also, I don't think that adding a 'require' metaparam 
to an already evaluated resource should require a re-evaluation of the 
resource body.

If my pattern of conditionally adding to a resource's parameters is wrong, 
how should I go about this?

Best regards,

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