Dear Sean,

David has already given you great answers to the questions you posed.  I 
have nothing to add to those, but I feel inclined to nitpick your question 
a bit:

On Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 10:00:49 AM UTC-5, Sean wrote:

> The class arrays are strings of fully qualified subclass names, e.g. [ 
> 'complex::redhat::subclass1', 'complex::redhat::subclass2', ] etc. 
> Is there a benefit to actually using class params or declaring all 
> references to class variables directly as fully qualified in the subclasses?
> Here's a simplified example subclass, and yes the example is silly, if we 
> enable/disable a feature in puppet code, why not just exclude the subclass 
> altogether.  Typically, that is what happens, but I was failing to find any 
> other simplistic examples to provide.
> class complex::redhat::subclass1 (
>   Boolean $enable_feature1,
> ) {
>   if $enable_feature1 {
>     notify("${::osfamily} Feature 1 is enabled")
>   } else {
>     notify("${::osfamily} Feature 1 is disabled")
>   }
> }

Puppet has subclasses, whose definitions can be recognized by their use of 
the 'inherits' keyword.  What you are describing are not them.  Even *bona 
fide* Puppet subclasses behave differently than most people tend to expect 
based on the uses of the term "subclass" in object-oriented programming 
languages, but the classes you are actually describing have nothing at all 
recognizable as a superclass / subclass relationship, in any accepted sense 
of the term.  In particular, each of the classes you described defines its 
own namespace, separate from and independent of all the others'.

The thrust of some of your questions suggests uncertainty about the 
relationship between those classes, which is an excellent reason to avoid 
use of the term 'subclass' for it. Even if you understood (and when you do 
understand) the relationship, describing it via the term 'subclass' is 
prone to confuse.  In fact, one class having another's name as its 
namespace has very little practical significance, other than putting them 
in the same module.  Even that is primarily organizational, not functional. 
I suggest just calling them "classes".


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