
I'm fairly new to puppet and am working my way through various approaches 
to problems - probably doing them in all the worst possible ways...

One thing I'm currently trying to do is configure an application using 
heira and puppet. The application comes with a selection of default 
template configuration files which I'm using Augeas in Puppet to configure 
with the valies from heira as required. 

Essentially my class is doing the following:

  source=> "file://src/template.xml",
  path => "$destfolder/template.xml"
} -> 
augeas {"config.file_aug":
lens => "xml.lns",
incl => "$destfolder/template.xml",
changes => [ "setm... "]

Now, this is working... but what of course what's happening is that every 
time puppet runs, the first file resource replaces the template.xml with 
the original copy, then the augeas re-edits it to match the file that was 
just replaced. 

I could make sure the file resource doesn't replace the new one with 
'replace -> false', but then if unwanted changes occur, we'd never know. 

How can I combine a the required augeas changes to the xml template file 
before it's checked?  

Should I use puppet to construct the new version in a temporary folder, and 
the do a final file resource to compare the constructed version with the 
live version?

Thanks in advance,

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