
I have created an SMB share that I can manually mount through Finder -> Go 
-> Connect to Server.
It shows up under /Volumes in the Finder Sidebar correctly.  The OS 
usefully sets the mount point owned by
me and under the group 'staff' with mount point permissions 0755.

Using the mount module I can mount this same share, but I am unable to 
mount it under /Volumes, or get 
it to be in group 'staff' instead of 'wheel', or to show up in the Finder 
Sidebar.  Here is my mount invocation:

   file { '/Users/Shared/mnt':
      ensure => 'directory',
   mount {'/Users/Shared/mnt':
       name     => '/Users/Shared/mnt',
       device   => '//[USER]:[PASSWORD]@[SMB HOST]/[SMB SHARE]',
       atboot   => 'true',
       options  => '-d=755',
       ensure   => 'mounted',
       fstype   => 'smbfs',
       require  => File['/Users/Shared/mnt'],
       notify   => Exec['fix_mount_perms'],
   exec { 'fix_mount_perms':
       command          => '/bin/chmod 0755 /Users/Shared/mnt && 
/usr/bin/chgrp staff /Users/Shared/mnt',
       refreshonly     => true

I'd love to know the correct mount methodology that simulates what my Mac 
(10.13.1) is doing natively.



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