
Do you manage directories using recursive => true?

A good question indeed - I don't recommend recurse => true, it needs a LOT
of time and memory from a given number of files (no idea how much exactly).
We had two servers with a similar role, but different environment, the one
had like 20GB of data the other around 80GB. Puppet run was some minutes on
the first one vs. 3000+ seconds on the second one.

Without recursion it's about 80 seconds. For ensuring ownership or similar,
it's better to use something like fswatch.

> This is something you should not do. In this case you should create
> packages (see https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/wiki)

+1 for FPM as well. Since I got the same advice 1-2 years ago from you
guys, I make everything with it and it's perfect.


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