El 30/11/18 a las 15:16, Will Meek escribió:
Hi Angel,
I'm having a look at this now.
The manifest you supplied looks to be device_manager setup, which is
executed either by an agent (if set in an environment) or 'puppet apply'
rather than 'puppet device'.
This sets up the device.conf ready for puppet device.
You're right. That's the code I use to configure the device manager
(the proxy agent). I forgot to paste the code for the device. It's this:
# ~/manifest.pp
ntp_server { '':
ensure => 'present',
key => 94,
prefer => true,
minpoll => 4,
maxpoll => 14,
I had to manually add modulepath to my apply commands:
root@leo10:/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments# puppet device --verbose
--target switch_cisco_pruebas --apply ~/manifest.pp --noop --modulepath
Notice: Compiled catalog for switch_cisco_pruebas in environment
production in 0.07 seconds
Info: Applying configuration version '1543995151'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Ntp_server[]/ensure: current_value
'absent', should be 'present' (noop)
Info: Class[Main]: Unscheduling all events on Class[Main]
Info: Creating state file
Notice: Applied catalog in 1.19 seconds
Can you tell me if you get any output for a 'resource' command eg.
# puppet device --verbose --target switch_cisco_pruebas --resource banner
Info: retrieving resource: banner from switch_cisco_pruebas at
banner { 'default':
motd => 'Compliance banner',
amateo_adm@leo10:~$ sudo puppet device --verbose --target
switch_cisco_pruebas --resource banner
Info: retrieving resource: banner from switch_cisco_pruebas at
banner { 'default':
I'm getting the configured banner:
motd =>
|\n| ATICA
http://www.um.es PILOTO HIPERCONV|\n|
------------------------------ |\n|
|\n| ATENCION: Esta intentando
conectar con un conmutador privado |\
Also - could you verify that the resource_api gem is installed?
# gem list | grep resource_api
It's installed in the puppet's ruby environment, but not in
amateo_adm@leo10:~$ gem list | grep resource_api
amateo_adm@leo10:~$ sudo /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem list | grep
puppet-resource_api (1.6.2, 1.6.1, 1.6.0)
Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la Información
y las Comunicaciones Aplicadas (ATICA)
Tfo: 868889150
Fax: 868888337
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