On Monday, 17 December 2018 21:20:12 UTC+1, Trey Ormsbee wrote:
> I'm having a problem with a node not collecting resources.  I have never 
> really had any issues before so never needed to troubleshoot this and Im 
> not sure where to look.  
> Issue:
> I have a node that exports a resource with a specific tag, it is written 
> into puppetdb sql database so as far as I can tell that is good to go. The 
> node that is too collect that tag is not collecting it. 

A simple explanation may be that the node that is supposed to collect these 
exported resources does not include the class that actually defines the 
resource collection. So you may need to take another look at which classes 
your collecting node includes, maybe you are missing one.

Apart from that it is hard to say much without looking at the Puppet 
manifests in question.


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