Ben Ford wrote:

> Sure. When you make a reference (the upper case File syntax), it has
> to point to a thing that exists. The reference is a resource type
> (File) and a resource title (99-status.conf), but you've not defined
> a resource with that title. Basically, it's like making a symlink to
> a file that doesn't exist. To fix it, you just need to change your
> code so the reference and the resource title agree on a title.
> Read more about relationships at
> and about
> the reference syntax at

That helped, thanks:

    $filesConfd0640 = [
    $filesConfd0640.each |String $file| {
      file { "${apacheConfPath}/conf-available/${file}":
        mode   => '0640',
        owner  => $rootUID,
        group  => $rootGID,
        content => epp("${module_name}/etc/apache2/conf.d/${file}.epp",
{ apacheCfg => $apacheCfg, apacheConfPath => $apacheConfPath }),
        notify  => Exec['/usr/local/bin/ -c restart']
      exec { "a2enconf ${file}":
        path        => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin',
        refreshonly => true,
        command     => "a2enconf ${file}",
        subscribe   => File["${apacheConfPath}/conf-available/${file}"],

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