> This message indicates, that the agent has created a certificate, has sent 
> the CSR to the master and is now waiting for the master to sign the 
> certificate.
> Log in to your puppetmaster.
> Check puppet and puppetserver version.
> puppetserver --version
> puppet --version
> If you are running puppetserver 6:
> puppetserver  ca list
> This should show you an waiting singing request.
> sign with
> puppetserver ca sign <certname>
> Usualy the certname is the fqdn of the agent.
> If you run puppet 5: please upgrade.
I've the following versions installed:

*root@puppet-master:~# puppetserver --versionpuppetserver version: 
6.3.0root@puppet-master:~# puppet --version6.4.0root@puppet-master:~#*

> I added a comment below covering your puppet.conf regarding reports 
> configuration:
> I didn't understand this, because I thought I'm doing an signing request 
> with my '*puppet agent -t*' !?
> My Configuration looks like this:
> *Puppet-Master:*
> - Installed PuppetDB:
> ---> Configuration-File for puppetdb: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppetdb.conf:
> *[main]*
> *server_urls = https://puppet-master.local:8081 
> <https://puppet-master.local:8081>*
> - Installed Puppetserver / Puppet:
> ---> Configuration-File for puppetdb: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf:
> [main]
> server = puppet-master.local
> # This file can be used to override the default puppet settings.
> # See the following links for more details on what settings are available:
> # - https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/config_important_settings.html
> # - https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/config_about_settings.html
> # - https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/config_file_main.html
> # - https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/configuration.html
> [master]
> vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
> logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
> rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
> pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.pid
> codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
> storeconfigs = true
> storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
> reports = store,puppetdb
> please don't use two locations to store reports.
> puppetdb is the modern place where to store them.

I changed it to the follwing in my puppet.conf:

*[master]vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserverlogdir = 
/var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserverrundir = 
/var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserverpidfile = 
/var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.pidcodedir = 
/etc/puppetlabs/codestoreconfigs = truestoreconfigs_backend = 
puppetdbreports = puppetdb*


> Use a webfrontend to visualize the reports (Puppet Enterprise, The 
> Foreman, Puppet Board).
> store places reports into file system. Usually this is only growing and 
> never cleaned up!
> [...]
> When I've now installed my puppetserver and an running puppetd (it looks 
to me like it's gonna work or am I wrong?) can I nowly install Foreman for 

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