Hi all.  I'm in the process of setting up a new puppet server, and I'm
trying to get my old puppet server to set up the server for me.  My old
server is puppetserver-5.3.3.  My new server is puppet-agent-6.7.2.  The
first puppet run was successful; the first puppet run installs a bunch of
puppet modules, and then changes the environment (ie. sets the environment
variable in puppet.conf to a new value).  This was all successful, but then
on the second run, it gave me the following error:

Error: Could not run: The CRL issued by 'CN=Puppet CA: server.example.com'
is missing

I tried changing back to the original environment.  Still the same error.
Tried changing to a non-existent environment.  Same error.

I tried googling for this error, and the two or so relevant hits I found
were in the source code.

I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone had any relevant ideas about what
might be wrong, and how that should be fixed.

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