Hello all,

Been at this problem I have for nearly a week now and it's driving 
crazy!!!  I hope it's simply a case of someone with some fresh eyes taking 
a look and showing me the error of my ways.  

Before I continue with the Puppet deployment, for testing purposes, I just 
want to create a single user namely djc72uk on a single server.  The server 
hostname is lhcadvdeveye05 and you can see below that it has successfully 
generated a certificate:

# puppetserver ca list --all
Signed Certificates:
    lhcadvdeveye05.xxxxx.com   (SHA256)  
    puppet.xxxxxx.com           (SHA256)  
 alt names: ["DNS:puppet", "DNS:puppet.xxxxxx.com"]

I'm seeing the following output from the server when I run the agent:

# puppet agent --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime
Info: Using configured environment 'production'
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Retrieving locales
Info: Caching catalog for lhcadvdeveye05.xxxxxx.com
Info: Applying configuration version '1569503223'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.24 seconds

Looks all good here other than it's not applying the module I created 
namely accounts (see below within the puppet environment).

*Puppet Server Environment:*

# puppet config print confdir

# ll /etc/puppetlabs/puppet
total 48
drwxr-xr-x. 1 puppet puppet 4096 Sep 25 22:34 ./
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root   root   4096 Sep 24 12:16 ../
-rw-r--r--. 1 puppet puppet 5487 Sep 23 22:22 auth.conf
-rw-r--r--. 1 puppet puppet  161 Sep 23 22:22 hiera.yaml
-rw-r--r--. 1 puppet puppet  697 Sep 25 22:34 puppet.conf

# more /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver
logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver
rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver
pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.pid
codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code
environmentpath = $codedir/environments
autosign = true

# puppet config print codedir

# puppet config print environmentpath

# puppet config print modulepath

# puppet module list --tree
└── accounts (???)
/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules (no modules installed)
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules (no modules installed)

# puppet config print manifest

# ls -lR /etc/puppetlabs/code
total 8
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Sep 25 21:02 environments
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Sep 25 21:02 modules

total 4
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 4096 Sep 25 20:47 production

total 20
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  808 Sep 25 20:47 environment.conf
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  518 Sep 17 22:22 hiera.yaml
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Sep 24 20:34 manifests
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 4096 Sep 24 19:57 modules

total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 40 Sep 24 20:34 site.pp

total 4
drwxr-x---. 5 root root 4096 Sep 25 21:18 accounts

total 12
drwxr-x---. 2 root root 4096 Sep 24 20:38 manifests

total 8
-rw-r-----. 1 root root  77 Sep 24 20:38 groups.pp
-rw-r-----. 1 root root 224 Sep 24 20:01 init.pp

total 0

# more /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp
node 'default' {
  include accounts

# more 
class accounts {

  include accounts::groups

  user { 'djc72uk':
    ensure      => present,
    home        => '/home/djc72uk',
    shell       => '/bin/bash',
    managehome  => true,
    gid         => 'djc72uk',


# more 
class accounts::groups {

  group { 'djc72uk':
    ensure  => present,

Nothing complaining here:

# puppet parser validate 
# puppet parser validate 
# puppet parser validate 

My gut feel is that the site.pp file is in the wrong place and therefore 
not being read however, based on the above environment details, I'm 
struggling to see how that's possible.

Any help will be appreciated here.

Many Thanks,

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