Hello All,

New puppet user here. I'm trying to install oracle on one of our machines 
but it keeps failing because we use the local windows account to install 
dependencies but oracle needs an account with admin access to be installed 

How can i go about doing this ? Can I grant the local account temp admin 
creds.during the puppet install or something else ?

Here's the code - 
exec { 'oracleinstall':
cwd => $oracle_home,
path => 'C:/Windows/System32',
command => "Start-Process '${oracle_home}/setup.exe' -ArgumentList '-silent 
-waitforcompletion -nowait -responseFile 
-Wait -Verb RunAs",
# command => "setup.exe -silent -waitforcompletion -nowait -responseFile 
returns => [0],
logoutput => true,
provider => powershell,
timeout => 8000,
require => Exec['update registry oracle 19'],

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