
Thanks for being so supportive!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [puredyne] Running Live on mac book pros
From: grant centauri <>
To: puredyne <>
Date: 20/04/2011 20:20
> Hm... not the error I was expecting.  I'll need more information to
> help solve the problem.  If you get a chance to test the machine
> again, and can be on IRC, I'd be happy to try and meet with you and
> walk through the problem. 
That's really a kind offer, maybe we can arrange off-list
> The usb stuff made me wonder if you have any devices attached at boot?
>  I don't think that would cause a problem but occasionally it might.
It was my first suspect, and I tried with everything unplugged. I also
suspect something is being detected as usb which isn't (like e.g. a
> I don't know exactly where in the boot process usb detection comes in
> but it seems to me like you're almost there.  The Debian Live screen
> is a little confusing to me, as Puredyne is based on ubuntu....
> perhaps everything is booting but your X windows aren't able to start
> up?  What happens if you try entering commands in the console?  Is it
> a running system or is it some kind of recovery console?  Have you
> tried `startx`?
It looked like a minimal recovery console, with minimal commands working
(fortunately including a reboot command). startx wasn't recognized as a
valid command.
> I assume the CD/DVD will boot on other systems? 
I booted the CD and DVD succesfully on an hp laptop tested quickly sound
(with jack) and wifi and it was perfect.
> Sorry for asking so many obvious questions, it just seems to be the
> only way to troubleshoot sometimes.
No problem. Actually I really appreciate the support. My little mac
(laptops) experience and not having the machine always doesn't help :)

>  Anyways, I hope we can figure it out.
Yes I hope so to!

> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:06 AM, Lorenzo Sutton <
> <>> wrote:
>     Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
>>     Dear grant,
>>     Thanks for the quick feedback.
>>     grant centauri wrote:
>>>     I have successfully booted a mac book pro with the 9.11 CD.  I
>>>     was trying to install and boot from USB, which failed on me at
>>>     some point in the boot process as well. 
>>     Ok I should try the CD then.
>     Unfortunately the CD seems to have the same problem...
>>>     I'd suggest just trying the CD version and see if that works, if
>>>     it has what you need then maybe you'll be alright.  I have
>>>     access to a mac book pro here that I am attempting to get
>>>     working via USB boot, perhaps I'll try the DVD and see what happens.
>>>     Any clues on what part of the boot process fails?
>>     (Un)fortunately I do not own a mac so I'm relying on borrowing
>>     one to test. As soon as I can I'll try the CD and DVD again to
>>     try and provide better feedback.
>     Both the CD and DVD spin down and eventually drop to a console
>     with a Debian Live screen after a message reading:
>     usb 1-1.1.3: configuration #1 chosen from choice
>     The previous line says something something like
>     usb 1-1.1.3: new full speed usb ...
>     Sorry I wrote this by hand as I had limited time to test on the
>     machine.
>     Lorenzo.
>>     Lorenzo.
>>>     On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Lorenzo Sutton
>>>     < <>> wrote:
>>>         Hello,
>>>         I was advised to write to the puredyne list.
>>>         For a seminar I will be holding on linux+audio I'd like to
>>>         enable
>>>         attendees (not many) to try directly, so I Puredyne was my best
>>>         candidate (esp. because of Pure Data installed).
>>>         I tried Puredyne 9.11 DVD and it works without a glitch on
>>>         my laptop,
>>>         but I had the opportunity to test on a mac book pro and the
>>>         boot porcess
>>>         drops me at a terminal at certain point.
>>>         Not being a mac expert at all, any hint, suggertion etc.
>>>         would be
>>>         appreciated.
>>>         For this task I'm interested in live operation only, not
>>>         installation
>>>         (maybe when I'll do an install-fest :)) which I've read is
>>>         possible.
>>>         Thanks,
>>>         Lorenzo.
>>>         ---
>>> <>
>>>         irc:// <>
>>>     ---
>>> <>
>>>     irc://
>>     ---
>> <>
>>     irc://
>     ---
> <>
>     irc:// <>
> ---
> irc://


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