Hi everyone,

If you know someone that could be interested, please forward!
Thanks :)


Announcer from the Piet Zwart Institute
Master Media Design & Communication: Networked Media
Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research
Willem de Kooning Academy / Rotterdam University, Netherlands

Call for Applications
Deadline July 1st, 2011 for EU/EEA students
For application info & tuition fees see below

The Master Media Design & Communication: Networked Media is
internationally known as the new media study programme at the Piet Zwart
Institute. We offer a Master programme focused on a critical engagement
with the culture of the Internet and computer media, their artistic
design, technology and theory. We are a small, English-taught, two-year
full-time Master course with a multidisciplinary community and have a
strong emphasis on personal contact and collaboration. Our students,
faculty members and guests come, among others, from the USA, France,
Serbia, Italy, Austria, Pakistan, Turkey, and our 24/7 studio
facilities allow you to make our school your workplace.

We offer a challenging programme with trimestrial thematic projects,
theoretical discussions and technical sessions. Next to studying
networked media through practice and theoretical research, you will
share select courses and group critiques with Lens-based Media staff
and students. This other specialisation within the Master Media Design
& Communication programme, explores the potential of digital Lens-based
imagery. Parallel to group learning, students also receive strong
tutorial support through weekly individual meetings with staff and

Whether you are a graphic designer wanting to develop your digital
media practice more thoroughly, an audiovisual artist interested in a
more informed and self-made media practice, an architect interested in
media as systems that impose social possibilities and constraints, a
media activist wanting to develop both practical and theoretical tools
of intervention, a computer and electronics experimenter wanting to
sharpen her or his artistic concepts, a media artist/designer looking
for research-oriented study in an international community of peers -
this is what our programme makes possible.

Free & Open Source / Thematic Projects / Staff / Guest Lecturers

Free and Open Source Software:
Our Master program strives for the creation of media, instead of
creating with off-the-shelf and out-of-the-box technology. This is why
Free and Open Source Software are an important aspect of our course,
philosophically and technologically.

Thematic Projects:
For an overview of some of our most recent Thematic Projects see: http://pzwart.wdka.nl/networked-media/category/study-programme/thematic-projects/

Renee Turner: Course Director, member of De Geuzen, MFA (University of Arizona), MA in Creative Writing and New Media (De Montfort University), Laureate in Theory, Jan Van Eyck Academie.

Aymeric Mansoux: Core Tutor/Co-supervisor, artist and software developer, Puredyne GNU/Linux, make art festival, FLOSS+Art, MFA (École Européenne Supérieure de l'Image, Poitiers), MA Digital Arts (Université de Poitiers et La Rochelle).

Michael Murtaugh: Core Tutor/Prototyping (Master from the MIT Media
Lab, USA), interaction designer, Active Archives, member of Constant

Steve Rushton: Writing Tutor, founding member of Signal:Noise - a cross-disciplinary research project exploring the influence of cybernetics and feedback.

Stock: Technical Tutorial Support, hardware guru, formerly V2_ labs, Mr. Stock Interfaces.

Brigit "Evo" Lichtenegger: Systems Administrator/Technical Tutorial Support, interactive artist.

Leslie Robbins: Project Coordinator, MFA (HdK Berlin), artist and member of artist initiatives Duende and Occupying Space.

Selection of previous guest lecturers and thematic project tutors:

Arie Altena, Inke Arns, Aram Bartholl, Mez Breeze, Michel Chevalier, Theo Deutinger, Rod Dickinson, De Geuzen, Andreas Leo Findeisen, Daniel Gross + Joris Maltha, Rui Guerra, Seda Guerses, Christoph Haag, JODI, jaromil, Dmytri Kleiner, Olia Lialina, Nicolas Maleve, Luna Maurer, Metahaven, Mirko Tobias Schaefer, Edward Shanken, Lukas Simonis, Femke Snelting, Michelle Teran, Jon Thomson + Alison Craighead, Roel Wouters, Danja Vasiliev + Gordan Savicic / moddr_

Deadlines / Tuition Fees / Applications / Contact

European students who will receive their Bachelor degrees in summer
2011 can already apply now.  The next deadline for non-EU students is
May 1st  2012.

For EU/EEA students, (who have applied for their first master course in
the Netherlands) the annual tuition fee for the full-time course in
2011/12 is 1713 Euro.

For application forms, application criteria and further information on our curriculum or public programme, please see:

For further questions contact Leslie Robbins: l.j.drost-robbins -at- hro.nl



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