Hi all,

Wondering if anyone can tell me the exact situation regarding PureDyne
on iOS at the moment, as the archives and my own experiences are
patchy, obsolete info in this rapidly changing area.

Is it possible, to make a faultless and easily used live C development
environment using PureDyne?

I have 20 students all with MacOS Snow Leopard and need to create
USB keys for a C programming course. There is no way they are going 
to install and register a 1GB X-Code "developer pack" to do a few first
semester C exercises. So I need a simple bootable stick I can issue. 

It needs a persistent live mount so I can apt-get gcc and a bunch
of libraries like portaudio, jack, SDl and so on, and also so that
the students can save their work between sessions.

Thoughts greatly appreciated,
thanks & best 2 all,

Andy Farnell <padawa...@obiwannabe.co.uk>

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