Hi Julian, thank you for the reverb tips.
Sorry if I made you wait. I have been trying to fix some problems (multimedia buttons not working, function buttons not working -no print-screen function-, no extended unrar functions working -with all the rar related program files installed- and a few else). I don't want to overload the list with this, so I am searching for solutions in the net. The fact is that I came to Puredyne for Puredata, and it seems to be working nice, but the rest is (please, take it respectfully) quite undeveloped, so it is taking time to let it running. About the color, I emailed the person responsible and I'll wait for an answer, if any, but it is not an important matter, please don't worry.
Thank you a lot for all the help and patience you showed me.

Julian Brooks wrote:
Hey Felix,

Good to hear you have some joy with pd.

Regarding reverb, there was a recent thread on the pd list about this titled "reverb in pd" (check the archives) including one from Claude who is one of the pd devs on Puredyne. The [rev1-3~] externals are also included in Puredyne already.

Not sure about the canvas colour stuff, sorry.



On 9 September 2011 18:52, felix nicanor <felix.nica...@gmail.com <mailto:felix.nica...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Julian Brooks wrote:

    On 8 September 2011 13:29, felix nicanor <felix.nica...@gmail.com
    <mailto:felix.nica...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hey Julian, thankyou for your welcome,

no problem.

        I am in Puredyne 911 carrot and coriander dvd version
        (installed, not live)

Yes, me too.
        and that probably shows me my first error: I wanted to
        install puredata extended for karmic 910 (the down below
        ubuntu version in this link:

That version wont run on my 64b machine but I have Pde as well as
    Pd installed on this machine so it is possible.

    I have a memory of having to change a couple of parameters in the
    makefile to get it to work.  But it did.  Sorry I'm not more
    precise, it was a while ago and I don't do much compiling
    either.  One of the pleasures of Puredyne is that it pretty much
all works so it generally doesn't require much fiddling with. This can also be a negative too.

        Yes, I might like the preinstalled version as I understand
        that it must be configured precicely and therefore stable and
        reliable, so I am willing to give it a try. But I do not
        understand some problems and differences I find. I add a path
        to my abstractions
        (/home/felix/mysounds/mypuredata/abstractions) and I accept
        and it gives me the same result every time: instead of
        selecting all the abstractions in this folder, I don't know
        why it always choose this path to a folder inside the one I
        /home/felix/mysounds/mypuredata/abstractions/rottensound (in
        which I only have a few abstractions classified under the
        "rottensound" name.

Have you explored the '.pdrc' file? On my computer it's in
    /home/julian and you need 'show hidden files' turned on in the
folder window. This is where your pd pointing is done I think. Check if your abstractions are being set to the wrong folder in
    the .pdrc, just correct/add-to the file and save out, reboot pd.
    Thank you, it works fine now, it recognizes it all.

        The second problem is that I don't know how to install or
        even find the abstractions that I am missing (freeverb is the
        one I noticed)

    Still missing freeverb, but now that the screen has got cleaner it
    seems to be the only one missing.
    I found the source in
    http://puredata.info/community/projects/software/freeverb and now
    I want to learn how to compile it (the info should be in the
    documentation, I guess).

        , but I guess that both this problems should be posted in the
        pd list instead (?), and I believe that this last one might
        not be difficult to solve anyway (hope I'm right).

    You should be able to find those easily online but I am also
    aware that Pd still has no satisfactory way of telling you what
    externals you are missing.  I would recommend checking that all
    the available libs in Puredyne are definitely booting and then
    see what, if anything, you are missing.
    How should I do it? Must I try each one in the /usr/lib/pd/extra
    folder? Anyway it seems that my patch is quite vanilla. The only
    external used is freeverb, and this is because I still don't know
    how to do a reverb by myself (using only what puredata provides)

    I have compiled a few libs recently and it was pretty
    painless(pmpd for example), although there are a few that
    defeated me (cyclone).  As someone has mentioned previously it is
    possible to just transfer some libs from program to program and
    across different computers but I guess it should in no way be
    seen as a sensible solution.

        Something relating Puredyne that I don't get is how do you
        install a debian package, I mean, as I tried xubuntu before
        for a month or two, and as I realize Puredyne is based in it,
        how is it that Puredyne does not have the automatic
        installing proccess when clicking on a .deb file, just asking
        for the needed packages?

    You have the 'gDebi' package installer?  Sometimes I add things
    that I think everyone already has, Ed Kelly recommended having
    the 'xfce cpu govorner' which is very handy for example.    One
    of the design aims of Puredyne is to be much lighter than Ubuntu,
    sometimes that streamlining makes for a more involved interaction
    with the OS.
    No, I see it is missing. I'll install it now, but I will continue
    fixing the already installed pd version. Thank you for the info.

    I feel that not having it was lucky, as I am getting confortable
    with not needing a probably not configured, supefluous and
    redundant pde installment.

    A difference I would like to understand is that in the extended
    version I was able to change the colours of the canvas, wires and
    such by tweaking the pd.tk <http://pd.tk> file in the
    /usr/lib/pd/bin folder. Now, this version of pd is more like the
    vanilla one, is it so? the interface colours are defined in a way
    I do not understand. Do you?

    about the Puredyne design aim, I really like it, for sure.

        Also, when I right click in the download manager in firefox
        and choose "open containing folder" why is it asking me to
        choose a program to open it with? what should I do then?

    Ah yes, that is irritating isn't it.  Your files will be in the
    download folder /home/blahblah/download, I think.
    Yes it is, but not a great deal. If you happen to find how to fix
    it please let me know.

        Anyway, I am new to Puredyne (first 36 hours), and again, I
        am also new to linux itself (some months), so forgive if my
        questions are not intelligent ones. I'll appreciate a lot the

Hope you like it - it's really worth persevering with I reckon. I too am very much Linux-light and perhaps some more
    knowledgeable list'ers can weigh in to help with your specific
    problems.  If not, apparently the irc channel is where you can
    find some of the devs, some of the time.

        Thank you again and best wishes to you too,

    Your welcome and kind regards,
    Julian, you are extremely helpful. Thank you a lot, really




        Julian Brooks wrote:
        Hey Felix and welcome to the list,

        Well firstly I would say that you should check/search some
        of the previous threads - my memory is that there is one
        from a month or so ago that walks you through the process
        (though I haven't tried it myself).  You should also include
        which version of Puredyne you have and also which version of
        Pde you want to install.

        Also are you aware that the pre-installed version of Pd has
        many of the major libs pre-packaged and it may be simpler to
        just add something if it isn't already included.  There is
        also a big bunch of abstractions as well as external libs so
        have a good explore.

        All good wishes,


        On 8 September 2011 02:56, felix nicanor
        <felix.nica...@gmail.com <mailto:felix.nica...@gmail.com>>

            Hi, I am new to Puredyne and want to install Pd
            extended, but it doesn't show in the repositories and
            does not work installing the .deb file (I must say that
            I am new to linux too, just in case).
            Could anybody help me in this issue?
            Thank you all and a big HELLO to everybody in the list!
            Puredyne@goto10.org <mailto:Puredyne@goto10.org>

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